I had Abigail home with me yesterday. She was sick. Not too bad but just enough to need to be home. And you know what I'm going to say next, I loved it.
Mid morning yesterday we started getting some snow and then the day got even better... "emergency closing" call came from the school and Anna joined out wintry, cozy home for the remainder of the day.
Gosh I love January.
And then even better... early in the afternoon Scott walked in the door.
So we filled our day with games. Abigail is silly funny when she plays charades. You laugh out loud til you ache. And we did when she was trying to have us guess "singing Christmas carols". She was mouthing the words and we couldn't for the life of us figure out what she was doing. I read every single snow book we own. (getting excited about taking out the Valentine ones today)
And today I got Scott and my two girls where they needed to be and once again the house is empty. Yes, I love being home. And yes, there is much to do so that I can be the mother I want to be when I pick them up.
My day is busy with laundry, ironing, dinner prep, meal planning, dusting, vacuuming, errands and the like. I am full, and I am grateful for this life that I lead.
But boy oh boy... I'm still getting used to this. I was good a baby on my hip... a nap schedule to shift and adjust based on Anna's pick up times mommy.
I am a mother and I suppose in part I will forever feel that way. I cherish the little that they still are and the home that I am still in because they are still young.
I'm grateful too to be better now. I had five straight days of a fever, non stop, day and night. It was not fun. But it sure makes me appreciate being able to do my dailiness.

"The moments I hold most dear are those that arise unbidden in the course of any day - small, evanescent, scarcely worth noticing except for the fact that I am being offered just for a second, a glimpse into another's soul. if my experience as a mother has taught me anything, it is to be awake for such moments, to keep life simple enough to allow them to occur, and to appreciate their fleeting beauty..." (from Mitten Strings for God)
I don't think I've ever let a day go by without thinking how 'if she was in daycare' or 'if we had to have a babysitter here for the morning' I would have missed this. I am so grateful.