This week Scott and I celebrated our 24th Wedding Anniversary. We love 'our day'... like really love July 28th. It's our day and it feels so special each year. We adore our anniversary. Feel feel so giddy and grateful and happy and in love. I am so glad July 28th is our day.
Our celebrating was a bit different this year. Usually we aren't home. Hawaii, Vermont, Disney, Canada, Alaska, Vancouver... we always schedule our big family summer trip during our anniversary week. But this year we were home.
And it was a wonderful day! Wonderful! Mostly because my hard working, stressed principal husband took the day off! A miracle for someone trying to figure out how to open up school in September. But he did take it off and we spent the whole day together doing little things together and with the girls.
I loved it - it was just what we needed - and I'll hold on to this day until it comes again next July - I wouldn't mind if we were somewhere on a trip next year.
Things I loved about our anniversary this year:
1. We worked out together before the girls were up.
2. We had breakfast and then headed (with Abigail) to a local garden shop to pick out a few new plants.
3. He made the most amazing blueberry pancakes and we had our morning tea and a 'second' breakfast out on the porch.
4. Our afternoon was gardening just doing a regular day with the girls.
5. We had a special 'just the two of us' dinner at night.
6. After Abigail was all tucked in for the night and Anna was reading in her bed we hung out in the family room and brainstormed and explored ideas for a family trip next year - dreaming is so much fun!