Thursday, July 16, 2020

Date Nights

Every Saturday night Scott and I have a date night at home.

We started this rhythm and ritual when the girls were babies. I remember our first {I'm not quite sure how I remember it, but I do}

We had just gotten back from the Polar Express with toddler Anna. It was one of those 'all my dreams come true' evenings. After we got home and I put sleeping Anna in her crib I remember Scott saying to me, "want to get a small pizza and a watch a Christmas movie?" {heart pitter patter}

And so 'date night at home' began. Did we ever leave our girls? Yes we did. But not without much stress from me. It's too long for a post today but I used to get intense headaches from missing them. So our at home date nights always worked for us.

Of course now we have a 17 and 13 year old. So long gone are the Saturday nights when both girls are all tucked in by 8pm. And if we waited until they were asleep we'd be starting our date night at 11pm.

We decided that they could have their own 'sister date night' and we'd still get ours. The girls sometimes watch a movie or shows on our bed {cozy} or sometimes they pull over their bean bags and watch something in the playroom.

I love this rhythm and ritual. I love that the girls have seen us make this work throughout the years. I love that they know it's important to us and for us. And I love that they have a special sister time.

Last Saturday they chose to watch a movie in the playroom. I pulled over their childhood play tea cart and they had a bit of their homemade ice cream and mini chocolate chip cookie pies.




I do so look forward to Saturday nights.

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