There was pizza making

And playroom mess making

Let's take everything out that we own. I actually love days like these when there's time... lots of time!

Oh, and on Friday I had to capture this pretty light and this pretty girl on her third day of third grade.

After school snacking

And on Saturday morning we couldn't wait any longer to give daddy his birthday gifts! So we all had that just out of bed look.

I think I mostly like watching Abigail watch her daddy open.

She was so darn excited!

Anna too

There is nothing better than little hands and handmade cards.

And love

This year the girls used their own earned money to buy daddy their gift. It made the giving extra special for them.

And just so we could be together all day we headed back here.

It's such a sweet place, so relaxing. And the weather was perfect. 72, sunny, with no humidity!

Love these two (and when I asked Scott why in the world he picked Abigail up since he hurt his back weeks ago he told me that he just wanted to feel normal, even for a moment)

My girls were fascinated with the clay making.

And then we had family over to celebrate 42 with Scott.

We are outside as much as we possibly can these days since it's weather perfection.

And that just about wraps it up... Mass on Sunday, homemade pizza Sunday night and just a relaxing day.