Now if that doesn't say "autumn" than I just don't know what does... I love this season! Music is necessary, don't ya think?

When Scott and I first started courting (I say courting because I hate the word dating. I hate the word boyfriend and since we only held hands in High School it was courting not dating... that's a whole different post) we were sophomores in High School.
And we started apple picking in the fall way back then when we were fifteen and sixteen years old.
(and he still looks the same... even better...swoon)

And to this day we've never missed a fall doing one of our favorite activities. The girls are not babies now so I really get to be hands off just watching next to them and snapping away some of my favorites photos of the season.
Here they are... and here is apple picking 2014

A word about this dress... I LOVE IT! (ok, that's three.... but I truly really do) As soon as I saw it I snapped it up knowing that this what what it would look like in this photo. (yes, I shop for clothes with photos in mind)

And on the clothes note... my mom gave Anna that blouse... saved it for today... perfect, don't ya think?

Don't all seven year olds pick apples just like this? Unprompted... that's just 'her'.

Because I know you wanted to see the details in this dress :)

Silly sisters and so I can remember what Abigail does in every single picture.

Love this!

Every once in a very great while I see a photo and say to myself, "wow... she's Chinese!" I smile and give myself goosebumps every single time. Happiness is remembering that she's Chinese! And happiness is a daddy and her daughter. Such a bond!

When mums match your blouse...

Be still my mommy fall loving heart!

I seriously can put my camera away for the rest of autumn. This photo... even barely edited (I have no time these days) is and will be my favorite fall photo. It doesn't matter if I even take my camera out on Thanksgiving... but don't worry, I will. Her hair, the no teeth smile, the way the bottom of her dress is framed in the photo... love!

We were not out for pears but this is so pretty I had to take a picture. And before I knew it we had a basket of pears.

Yes, I see that sky. And I knew that it was going to rain later that afternoon. But I wanted to shoot in the shade and I couldn't wait for a pouring rainy afternoon and evening in my cozy kitchen baking and apple pie. I love rainy nights!
Me and my girl...

Just because I love ankle socks and red sparkle shoes... and hay!

Yes, it's that wonderful time of year... We love it all. See you next time apple orchard!

You know I live for these posts, right?
ReplyDeleteI mean my dear sweet friend and her beautiful family...autumn...apples...and all beautifully photographed...
Yes. My fave. : )
All so pretty! My fave? The matching mums color! Loved it!
ReplyDeleteWe have a wonderful place not far from us called apple hill. I grew up going there and so have my kids...we have not missed a year in all the years we have been married. I always look forward to coming home and making crockpot applesauce just like my mom did.
ReplyDeleteNow if you could come with us this year and take pictures :)