Around this time every year it seems my neat little 'plan for the school year' sort of feels like it's unraveling. Scott and I carefully chose the 'extras' our girls would be allowed to do. And yes, they do a lot outside of school. We are both okay with 'a lot' outside of school. It means for sure that the TV is hardly on in our house and that when were are home we soak it all in. But, when I scheduled viola, group viola, Irish step, church school, art school, and tennis lessons I wasn't counting on before school fifth grade orchestra and after school Monday school instrument lessons. Some days I feel like it's the straw that broke the camels back. All I can say is thank goodness that I'm still 'home' to be able to handle everything else for our family. I really don't think I could do it any other way.

(Anna age 2 September)
Still missing my girls during the day. I'm super busy but once in a while I get that ache. Like when I'm in the supermarket shopping and I wish that Abigail was in that cart seat right there with me. Sure, I can go a lot faster with them in school, but I miss their voices.

(Anna age 4 apple picking)
And then this morning. I was sitting reading books to Abigail outside the auditorium at their school. Anna was having her school lesson (before school). We were frazzled and rushed getting there but I felt oh so blessed to be able to bring Anna that morning, to wait and read to Abigail in the hallway. So glad that I can do that because I'm not working. Sitting there in the hallway reading fall books to Abigail was wonderful.

(Abigail age 5 months pumpkin hay ride)
But the sweet moments are so mixed with the hurried ones, aren't they? When Anna came out I took her viola, handed her her lunch box and reminded her to walk Abigail all the way to her kindergarten room. "Mommy, I have a tummy ache... I have to use the bathroom right now! I have sharp pains" (sorry for the details) But the bell was ringing and Abigail wanted to start walking to her classroom. It happened so fast but somehow Anna said something like, "come on Abigail, I'll walk you and then I'll go after."
I didn't really think about it until I was grocery shopping and then I worried about Anna and her tummy. I know she's a fourth grader and quite capable but I wished I scooped her up and let her hang out at home with me all day in cozy clothes. Instead she was taking care of her sister, dealing with an upset tummy, rushing off to class, and holding a million things. Gee, I'm glad I put a lot of love into that lunch box!

(Abigail visiting Anna in Kindergarten... the same classroom that Abigail is in today!)
Life is busy; Life is sweet. Life is all of that mixed in. It's all good.
Dinners are all planned out for the weekend. Looking forward to some good cooking, a stay at home date night with Scott, cuddling with my girls, and lots of family time. (mixed in with the weekend crazyness too)
Just some pictures from my purse camera.