Abigail had her birthday party at the historic Hartford Carousel. It's the perfect setting for a 5 year old birthday party. Just pure joy.

I'll have to admit... I didn't get the pictures that I really wanted to. But it sure is hard being the birthday girls mommy, host to the guests, serving food and trying to soak in Abigail at her party. I knew I would blink and it would be gone. So just some (too many) snapshots of her birthday party.

Two hours of as many rides on the carousel as she could do. She would get off and get right back on so that she didn't miss one ride.

She sure had some fun with her Grandpa holding hands. Delightful.

Abigail loved how their horses were going up and down next to each other so holding hands was so silly to her!

My talented sister in law made the cake all allergy safe for her. Amazing and filled with love!

Cindy worked so hard on that unicorn cake for Abigail. And she just loved it!

Check out Anna's face in these pictures as she notices the candles have colored flames!

Another year older

Abigail's face was priceless when she noticed her Auntie Cindy's 'surprise' inside the cake... rainbow!

We decided to have 'just family'. I figure there is a whole life of having friends at birthday parties. I just wanted those closest to her to be there! There was so much love for Abigail that day. I got pictures of almost everyone.

They make me smile.

When it was time for presents we moved out onto the grass. It was perfect.

When she opened this and saw the Bitty Baby box she squealed, "this is just what I always wanted."

Abigail was sure spoiled that afternoon.

It sure was a special day. Happy Birthday sweet girl. You are loved!