(love this dress... I tried it on my Kinder Abigail... I think it'll fit her in fourth grade)
I remember reading on Sarah's blog about life mothering teens. And I've heard for years the little phrase, "little people, little problems. big people, big problems." I'm not so sure that that is true.
Maybe I just don't remember the challenges of this particular day. All I SEEM to remember is that we didn't have as much on the calender, and that my motherhood was more about helping take little socks off. Now it's homework. It's viola. It's making good and wise choices for them that will help them stay young as long as they can. And that takes more effort than it did this October day long ago.

But these pictures are my reminder that simple days are the best days of all. And that even in the midst of a fall season with a fourth grader and kindergartner I can MAKE their days (in simple little pockets of time) simple days too.
Just this morning. I noticed how little Abigail's toes were as she let me put her socks on for school. Now that's a little and I soaked it in.
I noticed Anna's pink backpack with a butterfly on it. A backpack only a young girl would want and I soaked it in.
I listened to their sneaky, whispering little plans in the back seat as I drove to school. Sisters that giggle and whisper... that's little and I soaked it in.
This weekend I'm going to look for the little in them and celebrate it, soak it in, cherish it and enjoy the simple days.

"Tis the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all" Laura Ingalls Wilder
This is beautiful, Tara...and I couldn't agree more. So many times I find myself longing for the days that they all just belonged to me...not to school, or friends, or soccer, or cheerleading...sigh...but I am finding each stage has its own wonderful aspects too. Tweens and teens are special times too, I promise! ( but I have to admit, I loved snuggling on the sofa watching Little Bear yesterday morning! ).