Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Celebrating Twenty Eight Years

Last week marked the fact that Scott and I have been married for twenty-eight years. We decided to celebrate BIG this year. And by big I mean a trip two hours away! I know that if you were thinking big maybe an island or Europe. Two reasons for just two hours away: 

1. We still feel like we are in the middle of a lot of 'stuff' with our girls. Yes, 21 and 17 is different from when they are those elementary school ages but man, their ages actually have a LOT to figure out. We've had so many discussions this summer and are trying to help them navigate big decisions. We love it all and are grateful for the time in the summer to dive into their goals/plans/dreams. 

2. We love where we went even though it was only 2 hours away. I know that 1 night away isn't much but to us it felt like heaven. 

We got up early and headed out - drove the minivan in cases we found something big to bring home from antique shopping. We listened to my 'anniversary' playlist I'd made. 

We headed north to Chester, Vermont. We actually went there on our 1st anniversary back in 1997! And again with the girls a few years ago. (that post is back here

We found the Vermont Country Deli on the way (just about an hour from our house!) We had an early lunch and loved all of it so much! It was such a charming little store with lots of great homemade country food! 

In Chester we shopped at my favorite antique store, Stone House Antiques  . We found some wonderful things to bring home! 

After that it was time for the Country Girl Diner

Then we explored the darling town of Chester! 

Their library made me so happy - I always check out a library whenever we travel. I think you can tell a lot about a town just be looking at the library! 

 This is a little picture of what Main Street looks like in charming Chester, Vermont. 

We had some time before our Inn check in time so we drove to the next town (Weston VT) to the Vermont Country Store

We were went to St. Joseph's church for Mass at 4:00. Such a pretty little church. 

Then it was time for checking in to Victoria Inn and having dinner right there! Look at this charming room. 

After dinner, a little walk through town, over a bridge and into the hills beyond. It was such a pretty night. 

So much fun facetiming the girls at night. They had the best time all day long! 

Breakfast at the Inn 

And time to check out and go... 

We shopped a bit more in Grafton, VT on our way home. 

We had so much to talk about it. I wished the drive was 5 hours, not 2! In our 28 years we have gone through oh so much. We have grown so much. I am so grateful for my Scott and that he's mine. 

Other posts you might like: 

Here is a post I like from 21 years. 

Here is a dance in the kitchen one Valentines Day long ago. 

Here we are back in HIGH SCHOOL!!! 

Here he still seeks me. 

Here is our Twenty anniversary in HAWAII!!! 

Here is a little story of us. 

Here is our 20th Christmas

Here is our 19th anniversary 

Here is a cute picture of us

Here is another post of us

Here is a Christmas kiss 

Here oh goodness is that 'one date a month' for his 40th birthday!

Here is a post called 'Marry Me Day'

Here is 16 years. 

Here is another Christmas kiss. 

Here is 15 years. 

Here is 24! and Here 

Here and Here is 25 years. 

Here are my thoughts on weddings and our wedding. 

Here is our 18th 

Here is our 17th

Here is our 16th

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I'll See You In the Mass

A few years ago I read a book Theology of Home, Finding Eternal in the Everyday.  

I was struck by this paragraph: 

Meet You in the Mass

When I left for college, and at the end of every subsequent visit home thereafter, my dad would always say goodbye and that he'd see me in the Mass. Sometime later, while far from home, his meaning was impressed upon me during the moment of consecration. The Mass opens a window into the eternal by allowing us to participate in the making present of our Lord and his one eternal sacrifice. I was at a Mass in Beverly, Massachusetts, but also in the upper room, and in all future Masses, and in a Mass in my hometown. In the overlapping of eternity and time we are united to people far from us, across both time and space. I was shifting homes but remaining in place. 

I loved that sentiment - but really more than a sentiment it is truth to me as a catholic. So I started saying to Anna each time she was away at college and I talked to her, "I'll see you at the Mass." I said that to her whenever we hugged goodbye. It gave me such a sense of deep peace and connection to her that I never really thought about before. 

Last weekend Scott and I went away for our anniversary (more to come on an upcoming post). The night before we left, I hugged my girls and said, "I'll see you at the Mass." 

This popped up on my text on Saturday late afternoon. I love it oh so much. 

My girls drove to Mass and then out for dinner. Best friends. And all of us connected at the Mass. 

At that exact time Scott and I were at this lovely church. 

"He has given us the Church as our true home, the place where we can find him on earth. This home offers us, both on earth and in the future, some of the Father's abundant gifts of healing, comfort, belonging, self-awareness, worship, and nourishment. ~Gress, Mering

Friday, July 26, 2024

Treasure Finding

Goodness, this is a post from waaaay back in June! 

While Abigail was in NYC for a school trip (a birthday present from us), Scott and I had the most lovely day date! Gosh I took no pictures of us but we went to all of my favorite antique shops, stopped for tea, went out to lunch in a lovely favorite town, and found a piece for home that I've been wanting! 

Best of all was being able to talk talk talk and not work work work! He is my very best friend and I can't wait for another date! 

Abigail sent us pictures throughout the whole day and it was the best knowing she was with a best friend, able to find (not allergic) food, and seeing a Broadway musical! 

Here's the story with our treasure finding. I was antiquing in the early spring and I saw this table. I know... it doesn't look like much. It was in a booth and covered with not just dust but dirt. There were a few things for sale and not much else in the booth. I cleared it off and took a good look at it. I could tell the the 'bones' were good. Beautiful wood. Beveled glass. Character. Perfect for an area of our living room. I'd been looking for an antique console table forever! This was it! 

But no price. Not for sale. 
That didn't stop me. I headed to the desk, inquired about it, and they called the owner of the booth. Not home - left a message. 

And that was it. We headed home. Later that week I called to ask and they said they'd call her. It sort of felt like a dead end, over. 

But a few weeks later Scott and I had this day together and I wanted to try just one more time. 

This time they called the owner and she picked up. She said, "name a price". We went back and forth for a bit and I ended up putting this table in our car that day! 

I should have taken an 'after' picture. Just believe me, it's perfect. 

More than that, our day was perfect. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not Afraid of Hard Work

I think for Abigail, physical hard work might actually be relaxing for her. 

This old home (that we love dearly) needs a lot of work to keep it up. We are the caretakers of this beauty and are honored to do it. But it does take work. 

Just before the 4th this year Abigail and Scott worked hard on the patio. 

There was a lot of moss that had grown up and around the bricks: 

And it all had to be pulled out. At first Scott thought the power washer would just zap it out but it was in there deep so I it all had to be pulled out by hand. Now that was time consuming, hard work: 

The whole patio and that walkway that leads there. She worked for hours while Scott power washed the bricks: 

We have quite a list of this summer to get to and probably won't get to all of it but we're 'chipping away' and that feels so good!