Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Old Quebec City ~ Day 1

We just got back from our family summer vacation to Old Quebec City, Canada. This year when we started thinking about getting away for a vacation, our Anna was already 'away', in fact really far far away. 

It was difficult to think about 'getting away' with one already away for sure so we really waited on figuring out what to do. We asked Anna and she was the one that came up with Canada and even more specifically, Quebec. 

We knew she didn't want to get on an airplane again when she had just gotten over jet - lag. (it's brutal coming home from China - I remember it well even though for me it was almost 20 years ago) 

So Old Quebec was the perfect choice for us. Just a 6 hour drive straight and easy from home and we'd be in another country, one that has an old European feel to it, one that is French (in language and in food!) 

We'd visited Old Quebec city 6 years ago just for a day when we traveled on a cruise. (that post is back here) and we loved loved loved it and always talked about going back.  In fact I titled that post from way back "Stepping into a Storybook" and it truly is. 

6 years ago there was a bunny dress and Boden sneakers, pom pom shirts and daddy carrying a backpack with all of the things the girls might need. This year they were older but I loved it just the same. 

We stopped in upstate Vermont at a town called St. Johnsbury. It had a wonderful bookstore and the cutest diner (so grateful for that chief that made Abigail a chicken salad) 

After another 3 hours we were in Old Quebec City! We checked into our hotel, Hotel Clarendon. Scott did his research and chose the perfect location, gorgeous hotel. We loved it! 

We spent some time of that late afternoon exploring the old city and choosing a lovely outdoor cafĂ© for our first dinner. 

Cheese board with the best French cheeses and meats, amazing salad, and pasta for Abigail. 

The streets in Old Quebec City are lined with outdoor cafes making it such a fun atmosphere for meandering. 

Lots of desserts and treats around every corner. 

more coming soon ... 

1 comment:

  1. It looks SO lovely! I hope you guys had a wonderful time. Would you ever consider visiting Europe? I feel like you'd love places like England, France, and even my country (Netherlands). Enjoy the rest of your summer!
