Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Silver Lining

When two friends have C-vid at the same time - starting on the same day - and have been facetime studying all week quarantined in their bedrooms... 

got to get together (because why not? they both have c-vid) we find a silver lining. 

Two friends who haven't really spent much time together because they both have other friend groups have now something in common: AP Biology and being home all week. That equals friendship. 

So today after Abigail slammed doors last night and was in desperation from living in her bedroom. After she cried doing her own shot last night. And screamed at the thought of putting her brace on herself. She got to feel 'normal' with a friend. And a pizza. And outside. 

And that was a silver lining for this mama. 

Here's another post on silver linings - click HERE


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