I'm not a superhero.. I'm just a morning person.
I've gotta laugh at what I did all before bringing Abigail to school and off to teaching myself.
~ got up at 4:20
~ 45 minutes with God
~ 20 minutes quick exercise
~ made two beds (I'm picky about how they look. To me the bed is the focal point in the room and I like it "just so" so I do it myself)
~ put clean sheets on the third bed
~ did 3 loads of laundry and had it all folded and ready to be put away later, and made my ironing pile for later in the evening.
~ deep cleaned 2 bathrooms, quick cleaned the other
~ took out my ingredients for dinner
~ started a grocery list
~ added ice to their lunchboxes and snacks and packed their backpacks with love
~ put water in her thermos so it would be icy cold all day and added it to her backpack
~ mixed Elecare (like baby formula) a food that Abigail is on and added 2 thermos containers to her special Elecare bag.. shouldve done that last night.. now it's not cold enough
~ changed over bath towels
~ emptied bathroom garbages
~ washed the kitchen table after they ate and turned on the dishwasher
~ got yucky medicine in Abigail and then cleaned up her throw up after she couldn't keep it down
~ sent Scott to his school with a Bible verse tucked in his wallet
~ prayed with the girls before they left
~ put on my teacher clothes and sang in the car with Abigail on the way
~ I'm sure I forgot just a few things
I love my mornings!
I wanted to write all that because I don't want to forget just how blessed I am to be able to do all of that, have a home, and have "people" to take care of!
(random picture because what's a post without a picture?)