Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saturday Jobs

We've been doing Saturday Jobs for almost 6 months now and it's a hit... all around! Although this does not at all replace my regular cleaning routine during the week, it sure helps!

Here's how it started: I was finding that on the weekend our house looked crazy messy and got crazy dirty. I know why. And I don't want to change the why... kids in and out, fun being had, our family in and out, Scott working on endless house projects, etc.

I found that we needed a bit of a cleaning burst on the weekend to help me feel sane.

It used to be that while everyone was having fun I was constantly picking up after them, cleaning, cooking, ugh! I was starting to hate the weekends. I wanted to have fun with them too! But I couldn't stand living in a mess. Soooo I came up with this...

the list

Saturday Jobs! Did I already mention that it's a hit still?!

So now every Saturday we stop (at some point during our day) and do Saturday Jobs.

Here are the rules:

1. We do the jobs all together. So that means we have to wait until we're all home and all ready to contribute.

2. We have fun (cranking up the music helps)

3. We try to do the list as quickly as possible. (this helps with the fun part) We race around all silly and crazy but it's fun!

4. We pick different jobs each week so that no none gets tired of doing the same job all of the time.

5. We praise and praise the girls as we go along.

6. We pick a prize when we're all done. The prize is not something that can be bought; just some more together time.

Here's Abigail rocking it out while she's dusting!

rockin it out dusting

Music cranked!

our music


abi dusting

anna dusting

We love Saturday Jobs!

anna celebrating

There's always a bit of a dance party mixed in!

abigail celebrating

And when the list is done...

done list

We take turns each week choosing a prize!

eyes closed



"Anna, can you read this for me?"

family bike ride

Last Saturday I asked the girls as a joke, "hey girls, do you want to do Saturday jobs or just go to the pool?" I was sure they'd say pool but they shouted out, "Saturday Joys!"


  1. Love love love this, Tara! What a great idea... and I am loving you guys listening to Pandora while you work! We are all about Pandora in this house! Have a great day!

  2. This is SO awesome, I love it!! It's great that you found something that works for you, I like how you said you didn't want to change the messes, you just needed a plan...
    You all are quite the team, do you make house calls?
    I adore the picture of Abigail about to open the note....oh the anticipation...her expression is PRICELESS!!!!

  3. love this idea tara and i especially love how happy they are to do it!!!:)
    and you know i love that dance party!!;)
    have a happy day

    to answer some of your questions...all that cute first day hair was courtesy of miss riley!:)
    and yes i usually blog in the early am or when aubrey is napping...WHEN she naps! yeah for a nap today:)
