Monday, August 20, 2012


I've got a list of pictures I'd like to go through since summer is winding down.  These roses are one of them.  I blogged about our anniversary back here but I have to share these pictures.  Oh how I love flowers.  If money were no object I'd fill my home with flowers every day.  The bathrooms would have pretty bouquets, the kitchen counter, the family room, my desk in the playroom...  but I never buy flowers when I'm at the store.  I guess I just can't fathom spending the money on myself. 

So when our anniversary rolls around Scott outdoes himself every year.  This year there were almost 6 dozen... okay... I'll tell the truth... there was a bit of an argument (my fault so I'm not sure why I ended up with more roses) on "anniversary weekend" so some of those 6 dozen were make up flowers.  They were everywhere... and I couldn't have been happier. 




I had to take a few pictures of them since I get sad when they start to die.



An adorable story about roses with Scott and I...  when it was twelve days before our Wedding Day Scott brought over (still living at home after college and teaching) twelve roses.  I loved them.  The next day I was shocked when he brought over eleven roses.  When it was ten days before our Wedding Day he gave me ten roses and so on and so on until the day before our Wedding Day and he brought over one single rose.  And yes... that means when I woke up in my childhood bed on my Wedding Day early that morning by my Mom I was surrounded by seventy eight roses.  My tiny bedroom was filled with them.  I knew how lucky I was.

There are pictures of my Wedding Day bedroom filled with roses. I've got to pull out that album and take a picture. Roses all over filling my rainbow wallpaper bedroom. I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to wake up on my Wedding Day.

Scott has always been my sweetheart.  I've known it since I was fifteen years old.  And I know it now.  He's not a 'bring home flowers' all the time husband but when he does... watch out... everythings coming up roses!!!



  1. that is so sweet tara and i REALLY want to see that rainbow rose filled room!!!:)
    have a happy day

  2. Yay! I can follow you now! And what a sweet story about your wedding day roses! Have a great day!

  3. what a special man you have!!! these roses are beautiful!
