Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Snapshot ~ No More Bear

So it all started with "bear bear"... given by a former second grade student, Ian when Abigail was born. I think it was the first thing she grabbed with her hands and she really never let go. When she was little Abigail often tucked 'bear bear' into her mouth; I suppose like a pacifier. When it was time to take away bear (at least out of her mouth) she was diagnosed. We faced many hospital visits for her EE and the fact that she was in constant pain whenever she ate. She went to weekly food/eating therapy learning 'how' to eat food when she was two and refused food because of the pain. Somehow in all of at (that lasted over 3 years) I didn't have the heart to take away 'bear bear'. I just went online and bought more so that they could be washed on the sanitize cycle of my washer.

So this past week at a dentist appointment Abigail's bite didn't look quite right to the dentist. And that was the end of bear in her mouth. When we got in the car her big sister Anna let her know in words that made it sink in, "do you understand Abigail? You can NEVER EVER put him in your mouth again!?" She was honestly trying to explain it all to her little sister, but it came out all wrong to her. I have never heard her cry so loud.

So Scott and I thought we'd have some sleepless nights in front of us as Abigail made this transition. Anna tried to think of incentives. "Maybe she could have a party to celebrate..." "Maybe a balloon could work?" "Abigail, just think you can sleep with all of your bears in your bed..." We never thought it could work.

And she did it! So proud of her we were... our first stop of the day that next morning after bringing Anna to school was the party store. She was delighted with her balloon....

One more big girl step for her.



Sunday Snapshot


  1. She looks so happy! The balloon was a great idea.
    Here from the Sunday Snapshot.

  2. So happy that worked for you!! Great idea & what a great big sister!! LOVE the balloon pics... I'm going to have to do that with my son (whose current obsession are balloons -or 'bubbles' as he calls them!).
    Sunday Snapshot fan!

  3. wish i had been tougher with my youngest's habits - she's an avid thumb-sucker and i was not proactive enough about breaking the habit ... and now she has caused an awful crossbite :( ... well done, tara - what a relief!!
