Monday, April 1, 2013


I honestly don't know how it can be April 1st! My Easter pictures still wait on my camera chip as the dryer hums and the mess is still everywhere. But when I think about my day so far (volunteering in the cutest Kinder classroom in America.. and taking my 4th grader out of school for lunch) I think, now that's a good day. Although I can't get to those happy Easter pictures today or all of the mess that awaits me, I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to today and that makes me happy.

Not related but I saw this little video last night. If I could do it again... in a second I would.

Here it is...
"the right to a family is a basic human right... every child needs a family"


  1. I agree, in the world is it April?! So glad you had a nice day today! We are still on break until Thursday...and doing a lot of nothing...watching movies, eating lunch together...the best days!

    Have a nice evening, friend!

  2. ok...i'm suppossed to be on the treadmill now but i am a puddle of tears!!:( i would do it in a second right a long with you!
    that was powerful and beautiful and so so heartbreaking.
    thank you so much for sharing.
    and i know your monday was perfect!!
    have a happy day tara
