My parents took us to see my all time favorite musical, Show Boat at the beautiful Goodspeed. And it was magnificent. I saw Show Boat more than 15 years ago with my Dad on Broadway and I loved it then. The sweet story, the songs... We loved it so much that we danced to the a song from Show Boat for our father/daughter dance at our wedding, Why Do I Love You? We also sang it wearing wireless mics using a CD with the words taken out. Our dance was choreographed by a family friend and it was so much fun. So Show Boat is not only my favorite, but so very meaningful to me.
Here we are outside the Goodspeed.

On our Anniversary we went out to breakfast at a special restaurant called "Farm to Table" It like no breakfast I've ever had. Such a pretty room too filled with windows overlooking to woods. Elegant and outstanding service. I felt funny taking my camera out but wished I did.
After we quickly stopped at the reservoir to take some pictures. I brought along my tripod and snapped these quickly. It's amazing how clearly I can think when the girls are not with me. I don't think Scott and I have a picture together since our Anna came home. Every picture is of the girls. So this was fun for me.

We finished off our 15 year Anniversary with a trip to the park where we got engaged over 17 years ago. It's a reservoir a few towns over from where we grew up. We hiked up to the top, and if you look closely you can see where the rocks jet out a bit overlooking the water. That was the exact spot.
This time since we were all dressed up for dinner we didn't hike. It was so nice to sit on a bench and talk as the sun started going down.

Time to get out of the clouds and back to reality!
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