Monday, September 9, 2024


I was thinking about why over the years I've done these posts called "Weekending". There are so many of them, and a few reasons really: 

1. I think that when I know I'll be posting about the weekend, it forces me to look at the weekend and take pictures of regular moments that I wouldn't normally. 

2. It romanticizes the weekend. I might take a picture of Abigail doing homework outside on the screened-in porch with an oversized sweatshirt and cozy socks on but really when I look back at the picture either as I'm posting it or years later I think thoughts like, "oh that's beautiful" "that was our life" "look how cozy the day really was"

3. Sometimes (well lots of times during the school year) the weekend might 'FEEL' hectic, full, and too short. But then I look at my pictures and I think, "no, it's exactly what we needed -- rest, cozy, happy" I get to 'see' the beauty even if it 'felt' like the to do list was too long for just two days. 

And a side note: Sometimes when I choose to share certain photos I leave out other memories. And I just want to be the one to say that our weekends are not free from difficulties. Currently we have health issues that we are working through, there are worries for our daughters, things we just can't seem to get done in our home... on and on. I suppose that's another reason why I love these post. They remind me that in the midst of challenge we can still take the time to sip a cup of tea after Mass, notice how adorable Abigail looked all cozy doing homework on the porch, and just how beautiful apple pumpkin soup looked simmering on my stove on a rainy Saturday night. 

So on to this weekend. I didn't remember to take my camera out until Sunday but still I want to remember a few things. 

Baking and Simmering 

I try to get as prepped as I can for the week ahead. I make a lot and freeze a ton! These are my oatmeal, no sugar applesauce, no sugar muffins. I have one each day with my huge salad at school. So the next 12 days of school are ready to go! 

This banana bread is not sugar free {although I'd like to experiment with the recipe just a bit} {and I only use whole wheat}. I make this for Abigail - a small slice to go with her thermos or with her eggs in the morning.

Abigail requested this soup again. It goes great with sourdough bread and packs up beautifully in a thermos for her school lunch. 


She's off to a great start this senior year. Basically, if she's not in viola she's doing homework. 


Viola tour group and Opus orchestra started on Saturday morning. She came home beaming that she's first chair! 


We were feeling a bit stressed on Saturday morning (read above - we are not free from challenges) and there were even a few tears but we decided that we wanted to do "something fall" even if it was only 10 minutes away and only for a bit. ANYTHING to get a little bit of fall in us each weekend. Scott suggested an adorable farm stand. We could pick up some fruit and fresh veggies for the week and I could walk on creaky old wood floors and look at baked goods and apple pies all lined up on shelves. It was just what we needed. 


I had to return some library books that I had in my classroom and I popped into a local, tiny, lovely thrift store and found these treasures. I love this basket for the top of my china cabinet in the dining room. And oh this vase (I need some white hydrangeas)! I've always keep my eye out for a brass vase. 

Not pictured: 

🍎missing Anna but talking to her a bunch

🍎going to 8am Mass which felt more peaceful and lovely

🍎popping into my classroom (all of us) so I could hang some things - I am so excited about a bunch of things in my room this year (I'll take pictures as soon as I can) 


Other weekend posts you might like: 

A weekend  in 2021

A weekend in 2020

A weekend in 2017

A weekend in 2016

A weekend in 2015

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