Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fall Home Tour ~ Kitchen

Around our home this fall ~

Dining Room 

Living Room 

Family Room 

Oh this cozy kitchen ~ I love this 1950 kitchen with all of my heart. And it is my pleasure to get it all decorated for the autumn. I hope for a slooooow fall. If only mid September - the end of October would last and last even longer. 

Here is a peek inside. 

Looking in from the hallway you can see the baking center and most of the area where we prep our food. Our family cooks a tremendous amount. We very rarely eat out and prefer to gather ingredients and cook ourselves, spending more time at home and eating healthy. So this kitchen is a delight to be in. 

More of the baking center up close... I adore Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and love how this one matches the sweetest caramel apple! 

Recently we moved our toaster to the baking center to make a little toasting area. I love baking homemade bread. All summer I never bought bread. Now, of course, as we are in that back-to-school time, it's a bit more of a challenge to bake bread but hoping soon I can do that on weekends. 

A little shelf with lots of cookbooks for coziness and inspiration. 

Just for fun... a general store all decorated and ready for the fall season. 

Scott and I both love having our dishes out and not in cabinets. Someday {maybe} when we have to look into redoing our kitchen we might have less cabinets and more open shelving. For now, I keep my ironstone dishes ready to grab. It makes Abigail's school morning breakfast so quick and easy! 

I have ironstone plates in all shapes and sizes and I love them in little stacks here and there. 

Oh linens -- I've been collecting linens all of my married years. I love vintage ones that I find in antique stores but I also love April Cornell. 

Another little peek into the baking center -- showing off more autumn colored linens on top and that adorable French ticking pumpkin tucked inside a pie plate. 

That vintage toy stove I've had for a few years now and still adore it for it's fun in the kitchen. 

Two new fall additions -- the apple pie plate and that gingham caramel apple. Those two things will be hard to pack up at the end of the season... I love them so much! 

I am always keeping my eyes open for mugs all year long and love that they don't need to match. They just make me happy. There is never enough time for tea... 

Our kitchen table area... 

I recently found a coffee pot and teapot at a thrift store. {there is a picture back here in my dining room post} Then about a month later, the owner called me letting me know she found a whole set of dishes, and did I want them? Well, yes I did! Nothing more lovely for the autumn than these dishes. 

Such a fun and full look on our shelves this fall. 

... and a jelly cupboard filled with jelly from this darling day

These two pieces: The tea towel is from the College of the Ozarks {back here} I loved that dinner and their Shoppe. 

The little roaster frying pan is from this store and anniversary trip. 

A close up of the general store. 

If it were real I'd want to be shopping there. 

Thanks for peeking into our autumn kitchen. It sure was fun! 


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