It took us the weekend to catch up on our exhaustion.
It took Monday and Tuesday to reorganize and get this house back into shape.
It took Wednesday to get the girls and Scott and I all organized for our new normal - school at home {for all 4 of us}
And now it is Thursday.
If feels like we've been out of school for at least a month. We're only on day four. That's what no viola lessons, no orchestra, no tennis, no crazy nights driving everywhere will to do you.
One thing I'm certainly looking forward to when I transition to "distance teaching" next week is not being tired. I'll be home. I won't be wearing a dress. Or tights. Or shoes. I'll be wearing leggings or jeans and most definitely slippers. I'll have my days to teach and help my girls through any of the kinks of their own distance learning. And we'll have our evenings F R E E. This whole concept is new to us. And I'm really looking forward to it.
One thing I've been thinking about is how I want my girls to look back at this whole situation.
How do I want them to remember it?
I want them to remember that I loved being home. And that I loved having them home. And that I loved these days.
I want them to remember that I kept it organized and simple and easy.
I want them to remember that I kept it interesting with lots of time to be a family. Walks in the sunshine and old 40's Judy Garland movies in the afternoons.
I want them to remember what it felt like to go nowhere at night. No viola, no lessons, no orchestras.
I want them to remember what it felt like to not rush.
Rush a meal.
Rush to get in the car.
Rush to get ready in the morning.
I know that as the mother in this home that I am the thermostat because I am the heart of the home.
I know that I need to be content with the way things are now.
In these next weeks I am going to provide...
chocolate chip cookies.
I am going to read aloud a delightful book that we pick together.
We are going to start a new devotional as a family each night.
We are going to go for a walk in the sunshine together.
I am going to make this a time of sweetness in our own way.
I am so delighted to be home and to have them home.
And that is how I want to remember this...
"In the multitude of my anxious thoughts within me, your comforts cheer and delight my soul!" Pslam 94:19