On our very last day we packed up and relaxed over breakfast at our hotel.

And we knew we were going to have a long day. Our flight would fly through the night (missing one whole night of sleep) and when we arrived in NYC it was 2 am (Hawaii time).

Scott and I were worried about how the girls would do on missing an entire night of sleep (little naps on the plane just wouldn't be enough for them we knew). And we worried that the hasstle of luggage collecting, carrying backpacks, and dragging suitcases through JFK to a tram, to a shuttle, to our car would be tough. But they did AMAZING. One little rest on the plane and they didn't complain, looked more awake and alert then we did, and helped us out so much.
I so didn't want to leave that bubble of vacation. I so didn't want to share them with the rest of the world. I just wanted just us.
But a tiny seed was planted in me as we flew 11 hours home and I read this book.

A tiny glimmer of excited to be home.
I started a list in my diary of things that make me happy. I got up to 130.
read plan, cook something seasonal
quick clean the whole house
decorate the mantle and seasonal tree and nightstands
read a book cover to cover
read to my girls aloud
plan in my planner
write in my diary
drink hot tea early in the morning during Bible time
drink hot tea late at night in bed with a book
get a manicure
surprise the girls with a little treat
do something for Scott that lets him feel taken care of
have family over
watch a clean cut Hallmark movie on the couch with Scott and a treat
plan the next holiday
arrange tea pot
shop antique stores
take really great photos
don't complain outloud ever again
memorize scripture
pray the (whole) rosary
help the girls redo their stickers/pens/stationary on their desks
plan meals/ snacks/ breakfasts
and on and on until I got to 130.
I asked Scott on the plane what makes him happy and he said, "coming home each day to happy" makes me happy. That's it."
And so we did it.
We came home.
Got in our car called "flashy topaz" and drove the 'we've done it a million times' drive from NYC to Connecticut. The girls watched a movie in the backseat and I tried to stay awake to keep Scott company. Up the driveway we went. The familiar sound of the garage door. Turned the key in the door, the smell of home. In the kitchen, I cut an old lemon and put it down the garbage disposal to make it smell pretty. And just like that we were home.
I noticed all the wood. Such pretty wooden floors. And the trees, the huge, giant Connecticut trees. They nearly took my breath away, their canopy in our backyard. The simple table we sit around each night for dinner. It made me feel good. I opened the windows and let the breeze go through.

We slid right back into things here like we never went away. But we did ya know.
We certainly did.
Trip of a lifetime?
Well, my whole God filled, amazing life is my 'trip of a lifetime'. Scott and I, we have our ideas for our life. But we are grateful, ever so grateful that He directs our paths. (Proverbs 3;6)
And we step into the next twenty years of marriage. Holding hands. And loving each other. And knowing that whatever comes our way we have our love, our memories, our girls, and our faith.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

"Grow up, fall in love, get a little house, plant some roses, get a puppy, live happily ever after. What could be more simple?" ~ Susan Branch