I've loved Scott for 23 years now. I know everything about him. And, after all these years I'm so glad my High School crush landed on him. There was no way I could have known way back then what I adore now.
Today (well everyday still) I gush with love for Scott.... so, here you go... here are 38 things I'm so blessed to have in my husband, best friend, and daddy to my girls.
1. He's oh so patient and even tempered. He keeps his cool all the time.
2. He pushes himself professionally. I'm amazed at where we started and where he is now.
3. He can see the big picture which makes it so nice when we're planning or talking about the future.
4. He listens to my not big picture, crazy details and helps me sort them out.
5. He has a heart that loves God. He's filled with faith, and he lets his wisdom and faith guide him. I believe that Scott felt God's leading us to China before me. He never doubted. He followed. And he still does..

(first seconds holding Anna)

(first seconds holding Abigail Mei only seconds old)
6. He never (hardly ever) says no to me. He'll try his best to make any big or little dream of mine come true. (thanks for the new glass playroom door) (oh and thanks for the amazing portrait of Anna's communion)
7. He has great taste. I knew I could trust him to take a very special portrait and choose a mat and frame. He has classy taste when it comes to our house.
8. He'll repaint a room when I'm itching for a different color.
9. He treats me like a princess. Still. There are just some jobs around the house he'd never let me do. (and I'm happy not to)
10. He is totally in love with his daughters. And it shows.

(I love how Anna is clinging to him, she still does)
11. He's the kind of daddy I knew he'd be... hands on. He loves to PLAY WITH the girls.
12. He spends time talking with the girls, making them feel important and special.
13. This house that I live in is made beautiful from his sweat. He didn't build it but he's a master at home improvement projects. He'll never call anyone to do a job. He figures it out for himself.
14. He's a perfectionist when it comes to our home. And although I'd love for him to do that project faster I'm lucky that it's done perfectly. In the long run that's always better.
15. He'll go anywhere and do any errand for me, whenever.
16. He's a great dresser. He knows how to pick out clothes and he wears them well!
17. He works out every day. He gets himself up at 5:15 in the morning.
18. He listens to me and makes me feel loved.
19. He's still got that boyish look that I adore.
20. He's humble.
21. He's a super hard worker.
22. He's an amazing principal. Clear headed, kind, always looking out for the teachers and always doing what's best for the children. He is dedicated to public education, and I can't think of a better way to spend your life; making a difference in the lives of children.

(his first day ever as a principal)
23. He encourages me to try new things. He encourages me to take the time I need for my hobbies.
24. He sends me to Marshalls when I've had a terrible, horrible, I've got to get out of this house day.
25. He loves our 'at home date nights' as much as I do. (and will go out to get any ingredients to make our treat extra special... chocolate dipped strawberries, bruchetta, crabbies....)
26. He's good at joining in all of the girls stuff... there is a lot of pink and princess around here!
27. He makes me feel safe, well taken care of, he's always looking out for me.
28. Anna adds, "he reads to me at night."
29. Abigail says, "daddy gives the best hugs and kisses."
30. Anna says, "daddy plays with me and Abigail."
31. Abigail says, "daddy gave me chocolate chips today."
32. He's willing to do anything that needs to get done around the house. He just jumps right in the moment he's in the door.
33. He has great taste in music.
34. Although it's not often, he is such a great 'slow dancer'. Oh, how I love dancing with him.
35. Anna says, "daddy does the same sport I do, tennis."
36. Abigail says, "daddy plays fun, silly games with me."
37. Anna says, "daddy teaches me new games."
38. Anna says, "you're the best daddy. I love you. Happy Birthday!"
I know there is no sweeter life
than being your wife
And sharing forever with you.