Friday, August 23, 2019

The Thing About College Tours


We visited another college this summer, just last week. And here's the thing:

It is so much fun to visit colleges. Meaning, it's such a fun day for our family. 

This one was about an hour away (perfect for my mama's heart) but we made a day of it. 

We drove up in the morning on a pretty day, went to the info session and the college tour. 

This college was amazing and as I walked around I kept trying to picture my girl there. What life would be like for our family then. And this one was okay. 

After walking around the pretty grounds and seeing some of the 'state of the art' buildings 

{and hearing that only 12% of those that apply get in} 

we just had a great day! We had lunch at an amazing Italian restaurant overlooking the town square. There was a farmers market going on. 

We meandered through really cool book stores and shops and then headed home. 


College is still {mostly} far off so the thing about college tours is that they still feel fake, just a lovely day with with family - usually eating a a nice restaurant and always finding a creaky floor (my favorite kind) bookstore with a lovely collection of childrens books.


So I think I'd like to stay in this 'shopping' phase forever - because it's way more fun than really choosing which one and actually leaving her there someday - I can't even think about that.

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