I have been thinking on my walks, in my quiet time, as I fold laundry this week about how lovely the gift of time is.
Alaska was wonderful. No matter where we go with our family on vacation in the summer it's like a bubble - just the four of us - doesn't matter where we are, it's that it's just us together all day, all night that I love best.
And as much as Alaska was - I love ordinary days best. The stay at home days. The quick errand days. The long afternoon days. The sweet evening days. I love those best.
Easy for me to say now, August 22nd, after I haven't had to think about work since June 14th. There are many, many women that work year round outside of the house. I don't take for granted the summer.
Summer to me is a gift of time with my girls. Time enough to slow down and finish thoughts. To ponder God's Word and other great writings from my faith.
Summer is the gift of time teach them truths and things I believe.
Summer is the gift of time for my daughters to clear their heads from the busy of a school day and decide what they believe, to anchor in the truth of goodness and love and faith.
This summer I gave us the gift of time. Scott and I talked for months and months about this summer and how doing nothing outside of our trip to Alaska was what we needed. No big commitments this summer. Abigail played a bit of tennis a few mornings and Anna went a few times to a drawing workshop. And then basically we were just together.
I loved our routine.
My still early morning - walk, workout, quiet time in the Word
The girls coming down to a simple breakfast.
Their morning routine and getting a few things done - getting ready for the day, their own Bible time, practicing the viola, a few other little things.
I loved lunch together out on the porch - lingering with them.
I loved reading on the couch every single afternoon right after lunch for like the 16th year.
I loved our afternoons, making dinner, daddy coming home, and a whole evening in front of us.
Summer was such a gift of time for our family. I feel rested, restored, and peaceful.
This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to read - I read all of the works of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I read her children's books (each one), I read her autobiography (Pioneer Girl) (written before the children's series), I read all of her inspirational writing she did. And I hugged each book as I finished them. I love her so much.
Can a woman who was born in 1867 and who died in 1957 have anything worthwhile to say to us today? Oh yes! When writing about being too busy in an essay titled, "Why Is the World So Beautiful If Not For Us?"
"... You are 'so busy!' Oh, yes, I know it! We are all busy, but what are we living for anyway, and why is the world so beautiful if not for us? The habits we form last us through this life, and I firmly believe into the next. Let's not make such a habit of hurry and work that when we leave this world, we will feel impelled to hurry through the spaces of the universe using our wings for feather dusters to clean away the star dust. The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lives." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder (my hero)