Monday, July 16, 2018

Motherhood and a Nurturing Home

I've been thinking about motherhood today and what makes a nurturing home.

My girls are growing but some things remain the same:
  • music
  • smells of home cooking
  • purposeful little areas for gathering and learning
"In this modern world where activity is stressed almost to the point of mania, quietness as a childhood need is too often overlooked.  Yet a child's need for quietness is the same today as it has always been -- for quietness is an essential part of all awareness.  In quiet time and sleepy times a child can dwell in thoughts of his own, and in songs and stories of his own."  
Margaret Wise Brown, author or Goodnight Moon, 1940

That was written in 1940!  How much more do children need quietness in 2018? I would argue so, so much more.

I need to start this by saying that all families are different and I recognize that we are all doing what we think is best for our little families. There is nothing wrong with TV on or watching it - I'm just very different in this area. 

I don't like sitting down and watching TV. I will, but it's rare. I don't like the TV on, I've always hated the background noise. I can't think and I feel like it sucks up the peaceful quiet in our home and in my head.

When the girls were little, we watched all of the lovely children shows (Little Bear being my all time favorite) But we watched a show and then it was off. I guess that stuck because that's the way we are now, still. Background TV noise I can't handle. Almost like a little headache if I try and talk to someone at their house but there's a show on in the background.

And my girls are not on their phones much. I would consider us on the extreme side for not using them, but they are still there (there is such a pull for them like a magnet in those phones, right?) and so this is how it all started.

Recently I decided to take away all technology (all screens) on Sundays. It's not a religious thing. It's not because it's the actual day of Sunday.  It's just a day that works for our family.

Magical things happen when there are no screens.

I wonder how my idea will work during the school year. I've thought that only being on their computers for school work and then off might be the new 'no tech' Sunday rule. We'll have to see.

I know from my own experience when I feel like I haven't been productive, or I'm just feeling uneasy, a walk away from my phone is the best thing. I flip it over and do something.

This summer I've been making a list of things that make me feel happy; that de-stress me. In thinking about the school year ahead and the toll that being a classroom teacher takes on me I wanted to spend some prayerful time considering what God would lead me to. The list is deliciously long. Long of things that make me happy. And do you know what is not on the list?  Scrolling on my phone!  It's not there.

So I decided to flip it over on Sundays  just like I'm asking the girls. And Sunday is now my favorite day of the week.

I know that my work (the 'work' that God has called me to - being his wife and their mama) is:

  • in front of people, in front of them (being with them) 
  • in my home... creating purposeful areas of learning, relaxation, and gathering. Making our home, not perfect, but a delicious place that we all want to be in. One that nurtures their hearts and feeds their souls. 
  • untitled shoot-9754
I am so grateful to do that work full time during the summer!  My whole heart and soul is full. I feel overflowing with gratitude for God giving me this role. 


  1. I am not a huge fan of the electronics either although I'm sure I need remind myself to walk away! My oldest will fight it but it is so much better when both girls just play together using their imaginations or we all sit quietly to read.

  2. I think you unplugging technology is a very smart thing to do! We ALL need to do it these days :). Good for you, mama!

    Recently, we cancelled our subscription to Netflix due to the "Salute to Abortions" episode. So sad. Since we do not have cable, Netflix was my go-to for kid-friendly shows for my little one. Since we've cancelled, I realize that she watched way too much and now we do so much more together!
