Oh my goodness. My daughters didn't have their bathroom since last early July! We decided to do it ourselves (with a plumber) and it took EIGHT months! Yes, eight months!
Here's where it all started!
Here is the post when the project first started. Awful. Just awful. And here are a few photos from last July!
Here are a few of the BEFORE! (and here is a post from waaaay back showing some of the way it looked before)

And here come the AFTER photos:
Here's a post when I talk about the project and all the stress it brought us.
Here's what it looked like in November.
Here's demolition...

This was the sound of last summer.

And one night in late February Scott was done. After the last of the tiles were put up (with Abigail by her daddy's side the entire time) we were done!

Here are are few photos of our finished bathroom! And adore it!

The sink was very important to us (and the tub) We wanted to have a brand new bathroom but wanted to 'restore' it to it's original Connecticut Colonial 1952 state. Everything at Home Depot and Lowes was just so modern and just wasn't what we were looking for. We were thrilled when we found a bathroom store that carried so many beautiful options. And we are thrilled with the sink!

Loved the molding above the vanity and lots of room inside for the girls special things. I love that there is hardly anything on the sink... it's all tucked inside that vanity!

Sweet little shelves for pretty things.

We chose a grey tile floor... love the 'wood' look of it. And it goes so well with the pink in the bathroom.

Now it's a tiny bathroom so it's really hard to get a good photo of the whole thing. But in this photo you can see the 'cath kidston' shower curtain and in the back the built - ins that Scott made for the shower and tub.

I love the tile in the back of the built - ins. The entire bathroom is white subway tile but the built ins are this pinky- mother of pearl tile look. So feminine.

Now the tub was a big decision. Originally we were going to keep the tub and have it re glazed. But after much consideration and we decided that we wanted to have all of the bathroom pipes redone so that meant taking out the tub.

And choosing a new one was easy when we found the right store.
The new one is porcelain over steel. Heavy, solid, pretty, so 1952!

The bathroom is all white and it makes it seem so much bigger than it was! All that bright makes it perfect for a dark, snowy night and a hot bath!

The back of the door that is open to the hallway is the perfect place for bows.

Yes, so worth the wait!