Monday, May 16, 2016

Suzuki Achievement Days

Yes, there was a big birthday party here on the weekend. And yes, Monday hit us running so here I am with an itty bitty post because it's what I can squeeze in today. During a week where Anna has FIVE concerts at night! FIVE! Spring is exciting in our house. It's the kind of week where vacuuming and dusting feels like a treat.

This was last week. Anna played in Suzuki Achievement Days. Her courage astounds me. When she came out she told me she played even though her hands were shaking.

This is me trying to get one little shot while she was tuning.


Achievement Days means that she played solo in front of eight top Suzuki teachers. Her three pieces are critiqued. It's kind of like an end of year assessment. No pressure Anna!



  1. So awesome!! Good luck Anna....I know you'll do great :-)


  2. Way to go! Very courageous :)
