We did things in and around the house that we like to do. I arranged some new garlands I bought. Really into floral and I wanted this to brighten up my family room. (ps.. for a proper Memorial Day mantle please go here to my friend Billie Jo)

And these in my kitchen light blue and pink. They match my Cath Kidston oilcloth that is on my kitchen table during meals.

And they also match my collection of Emma Bridgewater mugs. These new garlands were necessary.

Abigail did some summer shoe shopping with me. I bought her a pair of sandals and she decided she need the butterfly pair and the sneekers so she bought those herself.

I got a chance to catch up on baking

While Scott worked hard in the yard.

We still have a long way to go but we finally got a chance to redo our front step planters and finished what I call our 'fairy tale walkway'.
Before... a long winter sure does leave Scott with a lot of landscaping work.. but he does an awesome job)

(after... with the phone)

Only a million more bags of mulch and we'll be done.
In the afternoon we went out for iced tea

and gift card spending at Barnes and Noble (not sure why she wanted a picture with these, except that we love NYC)

There was time for an afternoon nap while reading.

And relaxing with some markers.

While mowing he noticed a nest in our sweet cherry tree.

And Abigail's face says exactly what she saw inside! Love this!

On Sunday after Mass the girls and I attended the Rosary Group. After praying the Rosary, Father Sid came in to bless the rosary beads we made. (this is Fr. Sid on Easter with Abigail... I felt kinda funny snapping a picture of him blessing our beads. It was so moving and beautiful... even a phone picture would have ruined it.)

But here was are at home with our just blessed, yes we made them ourselves, Rosary beads. And we love them.

No, we didn't plan the dress to match... it just did.

Sunday afternoon found us at the pool for the first time this year swimming.

And Monday, well, I already posted on that. Just time at home, together, playing games, me pretending it was a winter cozy day...
And off we go to a new week of school.