He was the cutest boy in High School... a real 'little boy' look to him...
He melted my heart when he grabbed my hand under the table in the High School lunch cafeteria...
And our first kiss was our both of our fist kisses.. and it took him months and months and months for that first kiss...
We were sixteen...
We danced at our Junior and Senior Proms...
He coppied my homework...
I found a way to get on the soccer cheer-leading squad to get to go to every single game and practice...
He picked me up for school when he got his licence...
He went FAR away for college with no email back then and certainly no texting... but he wrote to me every single day... I have buckets and buckets of love letters. Two years worth...
Two years into college states away from each other he decided that we'd be together forever and wanted forever to start so he transferred to my school... I still swoon over that...
We got married...
We found our first little house together just like my doll house...
We became teachers... got our masters degrees together...
But it was this moment that changed everything...

And there was this one a few years later...

Daddy... oh he's the best one ever! And I couldn't love him any more than I do today.
He is strong, he is filled with faith and love for our Lord, he teaches and corrects, he makes them giggle, scream and laugh. He takes his role as father to these two precious girls most seriously. And we are so grateful today and everyday...
I've watched him walk through very tough things in life like loosing his own dad unexpectedly just two short weeks before we headed to China to bring Anna home. I watched him take the pain, the confusion, and the grief and turn it into love for his Chinese daughter, his new role as daddy and still husband. I marveled as he found a way to turn my 'one year off from teaching' into ten years now... He found strength from God and listened to His voice. He's taken 'leaps of faith' like no one I've known. Like little gifts to me they are saved forever.
One night in our little den in the middle of a bible study just the two of us, "you know... we could adopt... a little baby girl from China."
Isn't that what 'other people' do? Us? We could do that? Really? He heard His voice and followed. He took my hand and showed me the way.
In the same little den, "so I'm thinking of going back to school for my sixth year to become a principal..."
Really, I can stay home longer? Really? A leap of faith.
He is dedicated to the plan that the Lord has given us... this sweet little life He gave us. He listens and follows.. and after all these years.. .and these past ten Father's Days I'd follow him anywhere.
Happy Father's Day Scott... I love you... all the way to China and back!
Thank you for always listening for the sound of His voice...
Your husband sounds like a wonderful husband and father. How blessed you and your beautiful girls are.