Every squeak of the stairs, every china cabinet, every old molding, the banister, all of it. There are certainly some things about an old house that you just can't find in a brand spankin new one! But she sure does require a lot of TLC! Good think I have a very handy husband who was willing to take off two weeks to work non stop on it! She's gonna be such a beauty... soon! Tonight we (and by we I mean he) has to remove the toilets off of the hard wood and out of the bathrooms, take out the sinks, finish the bedroom painting, and and a bunch of other things... oh boy... what a week this has been!

Tomorrow the sanding men come... I don't know if I'll sleep. And in about four days we'll have shiny new hard wood floors... giddy I tell you... giddy.
Of course I shouldn't be typing because there's still so much to do before I crash on a mattress on the floor with nothing else in the room! Ha!
But something about keeping up with all of this feels so good, doesn't it?

In the midst of the chaos in our house my little one lost her third tooth right after bath!

And I found that our new light blue wall are a beautiful backdrop to photos! We get such pretty light in our bedroom... if only we could leave it empty and I could use it as a studio.. now that would be fun!

And a girls gotta have her toes painted in all of this while daddy is painting the house!

Thinking I'll be having sandy dreams...