I had to act quickly and work fast so they would only be without a coat for seconds.
They both loved holding a bow and arrow. My goodness, never was a photo prop more fun for them!

Good thing I had Scott to show them how to hold a bow and arrow!

But it was worth it to make these Valentines for their classmates.

I think they like using the 'never touch unless you have permission first' sharpies the most!

And these they wrote out on Thursday the day before the Valentines day. It was a fun activity to do on a snow day!

And after we tucked them in baskets with ribbons for the night we checked the weather and found out we'd be getting more snow.

So there was another snow day on Valentines Day. So we packed away the basket of Valentines until the snow would clear and spent the day together.
These are so cute Tara! So sad they had a snow day on Valentine's Day...but fu that you were able to spend the day with them.