A few pictures from my phone lately.
Digging out the fall clothes from when Anna was five years old for Abigail... each one has a memory!

Our grass withered and Scott just won't give up on it.

Why would you put your viola here after you practice?

When you can put it here like her little sister did

Abigail thinks in music I guess or has a song stuck in her head

Games on long car trips

Best viola teacher in the world

Today... I picked Abigail up at school... home sick

And the sound of her orchestra tuning... oh how I love that sound
no way is this a boring post!!!:) I love it...probably cause most of mine are just like this!:) little bits of random thrown into a post..but we WILL forget these things ya know...someday!:)
ReplyDeleteI am drowning in clothes...literally drowning. and I know that it's a good thing, a fortunate blessed thing, but so daunting to go through none the less. I keep putting it off cause the load to tackle is so overwhelming!!!:( not gonna get done on it's own...know I gotta jump right in!:)
I will take a pic of some of the weird places riley leaves her clarinet...ugh!!!
please tara...how do I get a video off my phone and onto youtube?!?!?!:)
sorry that your sweetie is sick. she looks super cute in that fancy dress though, even from behind and wrapped in your arms!
I see a heart in that front lawn...YOU???
and love the music thoughts!
have a happy day tara and hope Abigail feels better soon.
Love the random moments in this post...that's what life is all about! Hope you have an amazing week end glad everyone is doing well!
I had to tell Emily again yesterday that a clarinet costs 1200 dollars :) and that 7 year old brothers can make expensive mistakes...
ReplyDeleteI loved this post....I feel like that is how most of mine are.
ReplyDeleteYes Nicolas leaves his trumpet around the house all the time....so frustrating!