Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Deep Breaths

Scott was telling me a story that happened at his school. Teachers all gathered around telling about how they decorate and how they celebrate this time of year. Now, I'm sure he told some doozies about me (this time of year I'm a bit crazy) but when I asked him, "what did you say..."

"I told them the truth. No one does Christmas like you do."

Oh, I beamed at that comment and could go on for days and days surviving on just the thought of him saying that about me to all of those other ladies... Swoon!


And it's a good, good, thing too because I have days that I'm bone tired. Oh so tired. With 'regular life' and all of the Christmas on top of it.

I decorated the weekend before Thanksgiving. Maybe if I stopped decorating I'd get some sleep. I mean, really, I get these ideas in my head that I just have to do.

Like our kitchen windowsill. It was all set, loved it. But then at the antique store I found those new little houses so I redid the whole thing. Sigh.

I think I need to just accept the fact that I'll keep decorating, arranging, trying new ideas, until Christmas Eve. Sigh.


Tonight, okay, right now, I should be working on our Christmas Card. I've got to choose the photos, edit them, swap a head because Anna is happy in one and Abigail is happy in a different photo. But I wanted to stop in a say hi. Deep breaths girlfriends. Deep breaths. Christmas will come. No matter what. So whether you're a decorator until the big day like me or you're all done and relaxing, just do what makes you happy. Enjoy it.

Oh, and this... I found this note on Abigail's windowsill this morning.


And it reminded me that I never told you that we did get her biopsy back and the inflammation in esophagus is up. So it was bad news. But we're okay. One step forward, six steps back are fine for us because we just keep taking steps with the One that holds us in the palm of His hand. And when some days we feel like we just got the wind knocked out of us... again.. we just take  another step, and another step and another step.


Enjoy your week friends... I'm off to edit, make a card, light a candle, and maybe redo where I put my manger... just kidding.

1 comment:

  1. You are right!
    Christmas will matter what!
    And Scott is right ...No one does Christmas like Tara!!!!
    Can't wait for the picture!!! : )
    Praying for you and sweet Abigail.
