When I was a little girl (Abigail's age) I was in many, many of them. Someday I'll have to copy those pictures and get them here on this blog. I have wonderful, happy memories with my Dad as the director and me singing and dancing on his stage.
When I was just five and Annie first came out on Broadway my Dad saw it and when he got home he taught me the dance to "Together At Last" (no music was out yet then... but he secretly tape recorded the show to share it with me... that's a whole different blog post because that's quite a story)We 'performed' that song (sang and danced) on Easter when I was five in our living room. I remember every detail. Him, spinning me around his finger and the big finale landing on his knee!
When I married Scott and it was time to think about our Father ~ Daughter dance we knew it would have to be a Broadway show song. We chose 'Why Do I Love You' from Showboat. It's "our musical". We both love Annie too but no song in Annie seemed to fit. We certainly couldn't do "Together At Last" because really I was marrying Scott and Scott and I would be 'together at last'. So Annie didn't fit. Showboat is a wonderful musical. I saw it on Broadway and a few other theatres as well. Always with my Dad. There is a song in Showboat when a Grandma is singing to her daughter as her daughter is growing up and leaving to be married. Perfect. We had the words taken out of the song and we wore mics pinned to the inside of our clothes. We sang and danced to that song like we were on a Broadway stage. (this is loooooong before any youtube crazy father daughter dance videos) It was amazing. I'll have to get that video someday on here too. I still can't believe I sang in front of all of those people!
Back to Annie last weekend.

You see, seeing my Dad up here welcoming the audience was wonderful for me to see. He has been through so much over the past two months. And I honestly never thought I would have the joy to see one of his musicals again.
We talked in the hospital about how it 'might' be possible for him to go see it in a wheelchair. But not direct it. Someone else would have to take it over. I was so grateful to God that he made it through his surgery that I put seeing his shows on 'never agian' list. And that was okay.
But God didn't just bring his through. God healed him in a way that amazed us all. And even after missing six crucial weeks of rehearsals he stepped back in and did it. He created a miracle on that stage.
I can brag. Because I can. His middle school musicals are not your average, ordinary, when is it over school plays. They are Broadway quality. There is attention to every detail. He knows how to cast a show. And he knows how to bring out the best in every child. The scenery is so incredible that when the curtain opens the audience applause.
So when he asked Abigail to do a 'walk on' last Friday. I said, of course!

Every night just before the performance starts he talks to them... motivates them. Shows them the real reason they are there.

And then he leads them in a prayer.

Eyes closed. One whole minute. And this is a public middle school.

He welcomes the audience.

And the show begins. 'It's a Hard Knock Life'

Here comes Abigail

I love her smile here.

... because Annie found Sandy.

'The Sun Will Come Out... Tomorrow'

Loved the swings he had the children on.

'You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile'

'The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow' with the President

Her, 'I'm going to be adopted' moment. (see the marble staircase in the background?"

'Together at Last'

And Sandy for the grand finale! I love how happy Sandy looked there.

Thanks for letting me get all that out there. Or here, I guess you'd say. I just had to get these feelings down. These words that were in my heart. Special night doesn't even begin to describe Annie.
Peter Pan was back here.
and here