Today my girls were in their jammies all day from when I put them on (at Grandma and Grandpa's house) until bath time tonight. It was a marvelous 'day after Thanksgiving day here in our home' filled with Christmas songs, all the red and green boxes, twinkling lights, and Rudolph on in the background. But they're not feeling well. Abigail has been sick for over a week and Anna is fighting what her sister had and has.
But on to our Thanksgiving. Because that was pretty good too!
Night before magic. Cooking, nails, turkey place cards, and new Pandora station called Thanksgiving Day.

Opened that pottery at my wedding shower when I was just 22 years old. And I knew in an instant what I'd use it for. My mom's Kentucky Bourbon Sweet Potatoes recipe that I was then in charge of making. Love that pottery.

I had this idea a few weeks back. Let's have our friends over on Thanksgiving morning for breakfast. Just a ton of cereal choices, coffee, tea, everyone (grownups too) in their jammies and the Macy's parade on. Well, two out of the rest happened. We all wore our jammies. The Macy's parade was on. But we don't even eat cereal in this house. And not making a fun and pretty breakfast was just not possible for me.
So it turned from bowls of cereal to this.

And this

And this

And this.

But the joy was still the same.

And it was still waaaay easy, laid back, and delicious. In food and in friendship.
How in the world did we ever get so blessed to call this family our best friends?

Man, if a picture says a thousand words here about Anna and how much this friendship means to her...

Then hair was curled, jammies were off and dresses put on. It was time for the 'real deal'. Well, after I made the pie.

Yes, I've been waiting my whole life for Abigail to wear that coat... and Anna in hers... I love little girls in pretty coats.

Okay, well I swoon over pretty dresses too. Be still my heart... huge bows, long hair, and above the knee dresses. I searched high and low for those. Why are fancy dresses always soooo long? I love a little girl in tights and an above the knee dress. Ever see Miracle on 34th street? Oh those clothes!

We stopped at Scott's sister's house first. It smelled like heaven in there. She was carving the turkey as we were arriving and all of the side dishes were put on the table so it was a short visit. But not too short to hear my niece play for us.

Or too short for a few quick snapshots.
Scott's sister (as if you couldn't tell!)

His mom and aunt

And then we were only ten minutes from my parents. More smells from the kitchen. And magic with Grandparents.

Helping Grandma in the kitchen

Puppy love

More cousins to visit.

And a good ol fashioned game to telephone at the dinner table... now that's Thanksgiving!

More Thanksgiving.

Christmas Songs for us

Reading her Turkey Story to Grandma

Love this one of Abigail reacting to the part where the turkey got away again!

And today, tomorrow, and the next day we'll be Christmas in here until they can't stand it any more and run off happily to work and school and I'll stay in this house with the music playing even longer. Oh I love this season! xoxox friends, Happy Thanksgiving!