Friday, March 4, 2011

Hope Heal Cure

We are so used to cooking differently. 
We are so used to mixing a batch of formula for our 3 1/2 year old. 
We are so used to hospital visits and endoscopy's. 
We are so used to bringing her food wherever we go. 
And yet there is incredible blessing in this disease. 
We are so used to learning how to be food creative. 
We are so used to  not spending money on eating out.
We are so used to our resilient, happy daughter.
We are so used to her looking at tinkerbell birthday cupcakes smeared with real frosting and happily saying, "no big deal."
And yet we pray for a cure. 
Not because this disease will take anything away from her.  If anything it makes us all stronger.  We just want her "special tummy" to be healed. 

Hope Heal Cure  (make sure you scroll down to the bottom of my blog and pause the blog music so that you can hear the video)


  1. Thanks for sharing that video.
    I had no idea what you all go through every day.
    Praying for a cure too.

  2. I didn't realize your daughter was going through this. It must be so very hard. Thank you for helping me understand it better. My youngest had an egg allergy, which we recently found she had outgrown. We feel so blessed, because of how it had changed her life. I cannot imagine the daily worries your family and others must face. Keeping you and your family in my prayers and hoping for a cure.
    Many Blessings,
