Some people call it Spring Break - here in CT we call it "April Vacation". Just always have.
April is such a wonderful month when you live in New England. After a long winter of not much light, snow {although not much this year}, and cold cold cold we welcome the sunshine, the rain, and the slightly warmer temps. It's a lovely time to live here.
Usually we don't go away for April Vacation. We've done an overnight in NYC.
Here we are back in 2015 for an overnight. Here's
part one -
Part two -
Part three -
Part four -
Part five
We had tea at The Plaza
In 2012 we drove to Washington DC. There were lots of posts on that trip.
Here's the beginning. There were lots of parts to that tiny little DC trip.
Here's two -
Here's three -
Here's four -
Here's five -
Here's six -
Here's the final
We've done day trips.
Here is one we took to Newport, RI - not too far from us.
Here's another day trip to a zoo in RI
There was this one to a sweet little CT town
(2014) From this post back here
Mostly though, we save April Vacation for working 'opening up' our yard for the year.
After a long winter a CT yard needs a lot of spring cleaning. There are 5 months of sticks to pick up, acorns to rake, grass seed to plant, on and on - but we're happy to do it because sunshine in on our faces and it feels good to smell the earth again.
(2014) From this post back here
Did I miss a day trip this year? Yes, I did. It's fun to pick a place to go and just hop in the car with some snacks and head somewhere for a day. We live 2 hours from NYC and 2 hours from Boston. There are lots of wonderful small towns too - but this year we were just home of course. And that was just fine. It felt good good good to relax after the pressure and stress of the first month of Distance Learning.
I don't have many pictures. But here are a few...
I love that the girls had this break from Distance Learning plans and could be the best of friends!
They wrote in their diaries together almost every day. {boy I wish I had a sister back then - don't think I could have gotten my brothers to sit down and have a diary writing session with me, ha!}
We spent a lot of time on couch College Tours - here's the thing... Anna started touring colleges last June. We've seen some but planned on seeing three or four more this April Break - of course colleges are closed as are tours, but many have created tours on line. So from the comfort of our home we 'toured' many colleges. It was so so so much fun! Now we have a small list of colleges we still need to see in person for an actual tour whenever they open back up in late summer (we're hoping)
Also the SATs were cancelled :( Anna was all set to take them in late March, again in May, and then June - all cancelled. So she spent four hours straight one day taking an online practice test to see how she would do. We decided that that evening a family movie night was in order!

Oh my goodness! I don't want to forget the great closet clean out that happened this break! The girls rooms are squeeky clean and in the process we found many 'kits'. We decided to pull them all out, put them on the kitchen counter and work on them during the break! They had so much fun together!
The girls cut out a hundred hearts, wrote on all of them and covered the doors.
Starting to work on the yard - and I love watching light as it hits blooms.
Beautiful sunset sky.
And the sun fading down for the day - this picture is the lake that is our backyard right now. Not pretty at all. Our plan was to all work hard and paint the fense (yes, both sides) this week but it was too too wet and soggy so that will wait for another time this spring. That is probably a good thing since were hadn't finished our project inside yet!
And Sunday - my new favorite day of the week. I love the flow and the rhythm of our Sunday. We wake up late, go to Mass in our cozy clothes on the couch, and then have a big pancake brunch.
Then the girls had a late egg hunt -- the bunny was a bit behind and the egg hunt came later this year because I think he was waiting for nonallergic chocolate to arrive for those eggs!
It was a good good break. And now we are ready to start Distance Learning again!