In my home I just love to make it cozy, clean, and welcoming to those two little girls (they'll always be little) and my hard working husband.
I'm not home all day like I was for those precious 13 years but I can still carve time to make our home a priority. So that they know I still care. That being here is peaceful. That our home is jolly (yes all year long) That our home sparks creativity and is a place to find dreams in your heart.
I can remember dreaming in my growing up bedroom. How I loved the flower wallpaper and the white quilt on my bed. I want the same for my daughters. A place to dream.
I'm finding that January decorating is calm, peaceful, clean, and minimal.
I think I'm inspired by nature in January. The cold, crisp days, the bright sun after a big snow, the dark cozy nights when the fires must be lit nonstop when we are home, the huge storms that color the world where we live clean.
I find that as the mama in this house I set the stage for our home life. And setting the stage for me begins with a home that is not only filled with things that are pretty but words that build up those I love. I try to find ways to bless my family each day and one of them is how I make our home a priority. Something as simple as a mantle change around or simple cranberry sauce in the oven. It's so easy to do! Here are some things I keep in mind:
1. Turn my Heart Home:
Sometimes when a week at school is just so busy, or the girls evening activities have us going in too many directions I know that I need to carve our time on the weekend to put a little love back in our house. A quick clean, a tidy, and decorating for the season always does the trick for me; for us. It's a like a reset.
2. Turn my Thoughts toward Sweetness:
It's up to me to remove the chaos and the stress in our lives. Simple classical music, the fireplace on, a pot of tea sets the mood. And then taking a step back and remembering that those in front of me are dearly answered prayers. My thoughts are connected to my words. What I think I say. So I purpose to think good things about my life, my daily chores around the house, and most importantly, those around me.
3. Turn Toward What is Important to me:
When I'm busy and the chores and to-dos of the day can feel overwhelming I often think "why and I doing this? Does the decorating matter?" Well, not as much as the nurturing of course but creating beauty around us - even in a simple vignette on a table creates beauty in the heart. Most importantly, in decorating I want to create a home my family feels loved in. And it all starts with a sweet and nurturing attitude!
I asked Abigail to set up these little winter mice and look what she did!!! A chalice and paten!
I've decided to leave little snippets of Christmas up throughout the house this year. Of course most is tucked away as it should be (that's the magic in Christmas) but I love Christmas too too much to have it all gone.
4. Turn Toward Truth:
Spending time in prayer and in His Word is life changing each day. Those that I don't are frazzled and hurried. And I try to do too much in my own strength. And oh boy, I can't do a day in my own way. But when I meet with Him early each morning He renews my strength. When I ponder (roll over, think about) a verse that I love then thoughts of stress or worry or even weariness can't creep in. God tells us to think on lovely things (Philippians 4:8) and our mind will be free to love others more and put our daily lives in perspective.
Oh yes, I love how the ribbon on those rose ornaments matches the tea kettle.
Most of my favorite tea mugs are winter. I am a winter girl, yes I am!
Sweetest spoons ever... and my collection started with this
very special teacher and friend.
5. Turn Toward Back-to-Basics:
I choose to fill my home with loving words, tenderness, patience, a nurturing spirit, comfort, encouragement, guidance, cleanliness, order, joyful and peaceful music, nourishing food and homemade treats. We say grace before a family dinner each night and go to church on Sunday to remind our hearts of truth, joy, and love. I believe that all of these things make my family feel loved and safe and cherished. And even though I give give give to my classroom all day, I can still carve time for back- to -basics homemaking. It nourishes my soul.
Did you see the photo a few up from here? It's my Bible desk and on Christmas morning a new chair was there to surprise me.
I gasped out loud. A Christmas Hitchcock chair!!! An antique, beautifully restored. The painting on the panel original and untouched. A dream come true!
I saw this chair back
here when we picked out our dining room. And I took a picture of it because I wanted to look at it forever. TEA! There is a tea shoppe!
A Christmas Hitchcock chair was something I never would have thought we'd even save up and buy. I thought maybe when my home was filled with grand babies, then we'd be able to afford one. But there it was!
Yes, bits of Christmas will stay.
Noel's home was decorated for winter too.
This home, this family, these things I remind myself of are so important to me. My life is beautiful. Not because I have a few beautiful things that I cherish but because of the beautiful people I share it with.