It's a place for birthday parties and family celebrations around our kitchen table. And it's a place where sometimes I like to share my views, my how to's, my whys of mothering or being Scott's wife.
I think it's because I don't want to forget. Because I know that it's so easy to. That is, easy to remember JUST how I felt, thought, was... then.
I don't have any "scrapbooking' to do here in this place today. I'm caught up with 'events' in my life.
But I'm grateful.
for seeing my dad today. for holding his hand. for the comfort he gives me
for the emotions (every one of them over the past week) because they are all out of love. If not for panic, fear, joy, relief, fear again, worry, hope, and joy (again) I wouldn't have love.
for the strength in my husband. He has been amazing to me. I always knew he was there for me but there are really no words to describe how he's sustained me this past week.
for my friends. You out there, some that I've met and others that I have only in this space.
for my mothering. Because it gives me purpose, joy, and happiness like nothing else.
for my God who has met me and held my hand each dawn. He has shown me his promises are true.

~apple picking 2009 ~ my dad so easily carrying around his strawberry curl granddaughter.
Hope your dad is ok! Saying prayers....big hugs to you all.