1. my years as a child growing up, magical, wonderful, Christmas mornings
2. this scene from this movie (Miracle on 34 Street) Have you seen this movie? When she walks into that living room at her new house... be still my heart!

4. my desire to create a timeless Christmas morning.
Timeless gifts that don't seem to say 2014.... toys that could fit into a 1958 or 1973 Christmas Morning.
So here we goooooo... (music and a cup of tea) this is what they saw when they turned the corner into the living room.
~ Christmas Morning 2014 ~

Decorating their tree in the woods ~

Love that sweet deers face

.. and the way the tree looks there...

Cedar stumps (real) that smelled oh so good! How did Santa get those down the chimney?

part two coming soon...