It's a bustling, busy day in our home on Christmas Eve. Although we make all of our soups for our tradition of Christmas Eve soup night the day before there is still bread to bake, cocktails to mix, and it takes time to get everything 'just so'.

But my favorite part of the whole day, and really the whole Christmas day is Mass. 4 O'clock Children's Mass. We belong to the oldest Catholic Church in Connecticut. It's a beautiful, huge old stone church. Scott and I first went there for Mass 'just for fun' to check out a new church outside of our neighborhood when we were first married and one step in, we knew it was ''the one".

Big, long aisle to watch my daughters dance on Christmas Eve.

She melted my heart. She's the little one dancing among all of those older girls.

Anna used to be a liturgical dancer but decided to just sit and watch this year.

It was a beautiful service with the children gathered around the alter for the readings, a homily geared just to them (while I cried). And they were even there for the Eucharistic prayer. They ring bells during the Gloria and watch as the baby Jesus is put into the manger.

Mass at our church is certainly one of my favorite things.
What a precious little liturgical dancer!!! Your church sounds beautiful. Merry Christmas!