I am so grateful for this concert. Being a part of this orchestra was a dream for Anna since she was in fifth grade. Once, years ago Scott and I had a meeting after church. Anna and Abigail were in the room next to us - eating snack and writing on the huge white board. I saw this all these years ago and took a quick phone picture.
Auditioning for Solitsi was a four year process. I wrote about it back here and back here and back here and back here and back here is where I first posted about Solisti (I didn't even know how to spell it then!). When it was her last chance (the last audition before her senior year) she took a professional musicians course on auditioning. She was in the class with musicians that were auditioning for the Boston Symphony Orchestra!
And then she got in!
This last year in Solisti she was supposed to perform in multiple concerts spread throughout the school year. She was supposed to travel to Europe to play with the group.
But Covid changed all that. But Covid didn't change anything.
She was STILL in Solisti. They still rehearsed every single day. Every single day. They STILL had rehearsals on Thursday evenings until 9PM. They STILL worked and worked and worked to achieve such a high level of performance.
And they did (even with Covid) have one concert. It was outside with a thunderstorm threatening and high winds blowing music everywhere. Even with clamps holding her music, she had to play those pieces with her elbow and pinky holding the music on her stand. Branches were blowing like crazy and leaves and sticks were falling in my lap. But she's played in the wind before.
But it was a Soliti concert. And I got to hear every note. Every note she worked for - for years - ever since she decided she wanted to be in all those years earlier.
She worked so hard and I couldn't be more proud.
I wrote a note to her conductor in this book.
Dear Emmett,
Because she sat in the viola section of your orchestra since she was 10…
Because you taught at HARTT and in West Hartford…
Because she heard your love of orchestra over and over for years…
Because of even those piano ninja songs…
Because you took a chance and gave her a spot in Solisti…
she flourished, and thrived, and loved the sound of her viola mixed in with other instruments
Because you gave of yourself to our daughter…
she wants to continue to play because she learned that creating music with others
brings her heart peace and her life joy.
Thank you Emmett for all you are and all you’ve been to our daughter Anna.
We are grateful.
And we certainly are...