Friday, June 21, 2019

In My Classroom

It's a tradition now - this was the second year that Scott came to my classroom to read.

We both love it.

In fact, when we were home that night Scott said to me, "that is something we are going to do every year until we retire."

I love that he finally gets to meet my class and the children I talk about all the time.

party 46

And seeing him like that - in that 'teaching' role, it makes my heart flutter. It reminds me of how it was back in 1995 when we first started out teaching - both the same year.

He's so good with them. He has them in the palm of his hand and they don't want him to leave.

scott reading

He even takes pictures for me so that I have them ready for the last day of school {they each get to paint a frame and I put a picture in it}

1 girffin

This teaching 'thing' I do is really us - there is a bond Scott and I share with teaching. He may be a middle school principal now but I'm grateful we are both in the education field. It's just one more love that we share.

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