Scott and I have decided to celebrate Mothers Day with Fathers Day on the third week of June - after school gets out for the year. I'm really happy about that - we both are.
It's been quite a week - really all a blur - it went so slow and so darn fast at the same time
Last Thursday during her first Music Man performance Abigail hurt her foot pretty bad. It was wrapped and she hobbled along with it really hurting for many days. (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Friday - we all attended her her Music Man performance at night (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Saturday - Scott and I were in charge of the Music Man cast party after the 2pm show (so that was the whole day)
Sunday - Anna noticed a rash on her face
Monday - Anna's face was totally swollen, red, itch, really bad and quite frankly it scared Scott and I so much! (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Tuesday - Abigail was still hobbling along (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Wednesday - Anna continued to get worse - that morning her face so swollen it took my breath away - I told the dermatologist that they needed to fit us in or I was taking her to the ER - I got someone to cover my classroom and I picked her up at school and brought her to the dr. (oh and I taught 4th grade) I got as many people to lift her in prayer as I could. We were really really scared.
Three prescriptions later and home I sat down totally emotionally exhausted and read her little notebook of health history that I've kept since she was a baby. And with God's guidance I put the pieces together and totally figured out the allergic reaction. Yup, me, not 3 dermatologists. Just mama.
{Yes, we're still on the same day} We decided to bring Abigail to the walk in to get an xray on her foot. 3 hours later - not broken but a really bad foot sprain that needs to get wrapped each morning.
Thursday - Anna's face swelling starts going down but I'm monitoring it and there's a tray of meds for both girls on my kitchen counter that I'm in charge of (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Major issue in my classroom that involves students, phone calls to parents, the principal, etc. Exhausting.
Thursday evening- Middle school spring concert
Friday - Early morning meeting with my principal to discuss the issue from the day before. I run the before school math club, teach all day, pick up Abigail at 7 pm from an all day field trip, and here I am. (oh and I taught 4th grade)
Saturday - Concert that both girls are in
Sunday - Special Mass for all of the Confirmation students, a mandatory Confirmation rehearsal after Mass, then spending the rest of the day getting ready for Anna's Confirmation on Monday evening and getting Anna ready for her huge AP Biology exam on Monday
Monday - AP Biology exam, Anna's Confirmation 7 pm
Yup, skipping Mother's Day - and I'm quite fine with that.
For Mother's Day I just want my girls healthy and whole - really, all the rest is just fluff.