with brown paper packages tied up with string {and ribbons and bows}

Our living room waits all year for this morning - I'm convinced of it - all year!

Christmas is 'our thing' - Christmas morning is our thing. We save all year for this morning, and I love when the packages are all around each corner.

There were lots of surprises were waiting for our two 'little' girls.

We didn't have snow on the ground here in Connecticut - but the light was really pretty that morning. Really really pretty the way it lit up our home.

... and cast shadows on the walls. Oh this stocking early in the morning. I love winter and what it looks like in my home.

Each little part of this room felt like it was 'holding it's breath' ready for that moment when two girls walked in. Tea pot included.

Presents going from one room to another. Be still my heart...

And while I was running down, turning on the music, making sure the lights were on the trees, turning on the fireplace, these girls were upstairs ... waiting... with the biggest smiles of the year.

And then it was time. First steps in...

First glance...

First shock...

And then it was magic from this moment on.

They ran right to the Playmobil cruise... reminding them of this trip last summer.

All of the little details they were so excited about...

They noticed something little in the playmobil hands... mini tickets? Could it be a sign? A surprise? Was there more to this gift than they first thought?
Yes, I think there is something in their hands...

so Anna carefully peeled in out of their hands to get a closer look

They thought and thought about it for a while... just sort of slowly... while Scott and I were frozen... wondering too what Santa had done...

moments stood still in this morning

Inside that little ticket in their hands was information to look at daddy's email. So Scott searched his email...

And then the pieces all clicked... and their eyes lit up

I think I was laughing and crying at the same time...

Our family would be going on a cruise to Alaska in the family suite!

I suppose we could have stopped right there... the moments of loveliness and all of the summer joy to come hung thick in the air.

But stockings were waiting under the greens

with sweet little bird necklaces inside

I sat right there with my camera in my lap {just like I like} and clicked away at the rest of the magic.

Even Noel had a big package...

a heater for those cold January {and February} {and March} days

We paused for breakfast... at this pretty table.

I set it the night before with little vintage Christmas books.

Oven baked french toast with strawberries... yum!

After we ate, Scott and I carried our Christmas tea into the family room.

There was a surprise for the mouse family too.

I'm so glad because I love picture books!

One gift for each of us ... from each other.

Anna was so happy with this planner sticker album!

And this cup made me so so happy. Mostly because of the story - back here when we went to Kringle Candle to see Santa the girls asked if they could sneak out while we were waiting for our dinner to come. So that cold, dark night Anna walked Abigail back into the store and Abigail picked this out for me.

Noel loved his bell.

There were a million more smiles that morning.

And two huge other surprises... new violas! {more on that later - much more on that later}

Love this book Abigail got.

This was something she asked Santa for... to be a penguin parent from Mystic Seaport.

She was {and still is} delighted with this.

Growing into some fun princess makeup when you're eleven is a wonderful thing.

But still being small enough for markers and crayons.

Loving Anna's new makeup!

Even a toy to remind us of our love for this place.

Yes, it was a magical morning - one that I will never forget - and I suppose that I can't because there are so many pictures... lots of pictures to look back and and make me happy.
So the Christmas morning with a fifteen year old and eleven year old is packed away in my memories forever. So so grateful for December 25th.