Tuesday, December 31, 2019

~ Christmas Day ~

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime." 💚Laura Ingalls Wilder

When I was looking through my photos of Christmas morning I look for that O N E... that one that has all of my feelings all stored up in it. And this is it... this was my favorite... girls in swishy white nightgowns, that antique table right in the middle of them, brown paper packages tied up with white ribbon, the pure joy on Anna's face... read on and I'll show you why...

not sure

It is difficult to find the words to describe Christmas morning so I will choose just one: magical. It was simply magical.

The fireplace was blazing, the candles in their brass candlestick holders were glowing, and that oil painting of Santa set the stage.

morning 17

The lighting was just perfect for my favorite six hours of the whole year. Soft sunlight was shining in the windows. {If I could order weather, it would of course be cloudy, freezing cold with snow fluttering down}

morning 21

This is the scene my girls walked into on Christmas morning...

morning 1

morning 2

morning 3

morning 4

morning 5

morning 6

morning 7

morning 8

"Imagination is the main weapon in the war against reality," ❤ C.S. Lewis

I dream up this scene all year long and when I first see what Santa has done, I could cry...

morning 9

morning 10

morning 11

morning 19

The gift tags were stamped in cursive with white ink. So elegant I thought - those elves really know me.

morning 22

morning 20

And the sweetest little Christmas tree on that antique white table was filled with the prettiest birds. It was the first thing they saw when they walked in.

morning 13morning 16

morning 17

morning 23

morning 25

morning 26

Noel was awake and ready -- this was his third Christmas so of course he knew what to expect

morning 27

Scott and I stood behind the tree, kind of peeking out. Scott recording and me with my big camera...

This is what we've always done, it's all they've ever known.

Anna's eyes straight for the sweet little birdie Christmas tree ~ Abigail's eyes looking at the huge pink bean bags.

morning 28

but then quickly she loved that little tree.

morning 29

But can you see something hidden behind the tree? Just a little something peeking out? A little magic perhaps.

morning 14

morning 15

Yes, you can! Behind that birdie tree was a new friend for Noel our little yellow bird, a new baby that Santa named Mistletoe.

He was trembling and breathing a little quick ~ only 3 months old.

morning 24

morning 12

morning 18

"Nothing much happens unless you believe in it, and believing there is hope for the world in a way to move toward it." Gladys Taber 💕

And then they saw him -- and this is what happened next. Those are the Christmas morning eyes I look forward to all year long.

morning 30

And there were screams of joy... as I'm sure our new baby bird thought, 'where am I'?

morning 31

morning 32

I have stared at these photos over and over. Pure joy.

morning 33

morning 34

Anna so in love.

morning 35

And I love how Abigail looks to her big sister for it to feel real.

morning 36

"Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!" 💚 Frank Church 

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morning 39

Anna can't take her eyes off of him.
morning 40

Look how handsome he is in his Christmas morning smile 💛

morning 41

It was so good this Christmas morning so far that the girls wanted to 'walk in' again. So they did!

morning 42

morning 43

She cried

morning 44

While her face was full of love (and Santa in the background looked on)

morning 45

"It is good to be children sometimes, & never better than at Christmas." ❤ Charles Dickens 

morning 46

And this is the way they were for the next 30 or so minutes. Not a present around their feet could pull them from this spot.

morning 47

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morning 50

morning 51

Hand fed and trained just like Noel came to us - this new Christmas baby was ready for cuddles and love.

morning 52

After so much time went on we needed to break for breakfast.  Ahhhhhh tea time! 🤍

morning 53

morning 54

Piping hot tea -- can you see the steam coming out of the teapot?

morning 55

Christmas tea cake that I made ahead and froze -- I only make this for Christmas morning so it's really special to us. It's the kind that filled with fruit and spices, so so good!



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morning 60

We had a yummy egg casserole too -- sauteed the onion the night before and had the eggs all ready to whip and put in the pan. So easy!

morning 61

morning 62

We lingered for a long time and then it was time for stockings.

morning 63

morning 64

I know that Christmas morning faces are only once a year so I try to capture as many as I can that morning to hold on to in my heart.

morning 65

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morning 70

Some things the girls have been wanting for a long time...

morning 71

...others are surprises!

morning 72

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morning 75

Little things and pretty things are all a part of Christmas too.

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morning 77

I love when gifts stir up memories like our trip to the Vermont Country Store so long ago and these crackers that Abigail was sampling in the store that day. Santa ordered this time later!

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morning 81

And this... she has no idea, none

morning 82

Now she does!

morning 83

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morning 95

Daddy had to help her get it out of the box.

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morning 97

And we all watched her like this for a while. She's smitten

morning 98

Under my breath I said, just stay little, just stay little, just stay little. Dolls do that ya know, I'd never say no to a doll. Ever.

morning 99

Merry Christmas baby girl

morning 100

While Abigail still holds on to bits of being little while growing up, Anna asked for clothes this year. "skirts and matching blouses"

morning 101

Into the family room for gifts to each other.

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morning 103

They look on so excited to give daddy their gift

morning 104

A whisper and a secret...

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morning 106

This was kind of a joke gift from out trip to Vermont in the fall. We were all laughing at that 'loud' bathrobe in the store but the girls bought it and let me tell you it has been worn all this cold December week!

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morning 113

A book, always a book

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morning 117

Same look on their face opening a 'together gift'

morning 118

And then around 3:30 we got to my parents house -- I took a few when we just got there and then put my camera down to enjoy the most amazing Christmas dinner and family!

day 1

day 2

day 3

day 4

day 5

"Every Christmas is better than the Christmas before," Laura thought. "I guess it must be because I'm growing up." Laura Ingalls Wilder 

day 6

day 7

"The best gifts are ties with heartstrings." 

day 8

day 9

Oh how I adore Christmas. And even as we begin to take things down and pack them away I just can't be sad. Because it will come again. Just next year.

Merry Christmas dear and precious family. You are my Christmas dreams come true.