Ok, back to blogging. I've got to get the rest of Music Man on this blog of mine. Because the evening performance is the BEST!!! It's the real deal. It's the one that is professionally videoed. The one that all of the aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents go to. And it was AWESOME!!
After the morning performance (back here) (and here) we came home to rest a bit, have an early dinner, (and celebrate) before heading back.

While Abigail was resting I set up a little surprise for her. With her script...

The hat from the '76 Tombones' band.

And flowers for our little Amaryllis.

And surprised she was!!!

and so so happy.

I love to see her like this, all lit up inside!

We gave her a little necklace with an "A" for Amaryllis.

Before we knew it, we were back on stage for mic check.

I took these special pictures of Abigail with her grandfather, the director.

This was me when I was Abigail's age in my Dad's summer musical productions.

I'm so grateful that Abigail will have these same special memories with my Dad and have spent sooooo much time with him!

Makeup on, mic checked, costumed, and ready to go!

This boy that played Harold Hill will be on Broadway one day, for sure!

My favorite part of the entire experience is in these few minutes. My Dad brings the entire cast into a circle and talks to them about 'this moment', how they won't ever forget this show. How it's a gift and how wonderful they are.

They bow their heads and say a prayer, or give thanks, or think a happy thought in a moment of silence.

And then the show started!

Abigail is fearless on stage. She loved being in this scene.

And this one too!

Love this one!

She adored dancing on stage!

And she played the part of being 'smitten' with Winthrop quite well!

Loved watching her in the big dance numbers!

She was swung up in the air!

and twirled around!

Time to bow.

In every single bow picture she's looking straight at Anna.

This one makes my mama's heart swell.

And this one too. Can I just take a moment to tell you what this photo does to me? That's my brother, Trent. And my sister in law (and Mom) all with their hands on Abigail. This photo speaks volumes of their love for Abigail to me. I sure hope I can be that kind of Aunt to their kids.

She got beautiful yellow roses from Scott's mom.

And her other cousins were there as well!


And I will hold these new memories with my Dad (and daughter) in my heart forever.