Thursday, March 28, 2024

Pops and Jazz

The show had it's final weekend last weekend and here are some of the pictures I took! (opening pics are here

So much joy! 


Honestly, we are still getting used to and catching up with life since this ended. Oh howdy! It was quite a schedule and as I type Abigail is asleep on the couch! Thank goodness it's Friday! 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Just An Email

... just an email I sent families tonight. 

I always send an email every night with a few pictures (if I remember to take them). And since this space is a place where I like to keep a lot of memories, I don't want to forget what I do each and every day. 

Dear Families, 
Something on my heart: Sometimes I have such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to work with your amazing children. Today was one of those days. Connecticut, line plots, analyzing artifacts in informational text, writing, solving problems, reading, and whole bunch of joy in the middle of all of that! How lucky am I that I get to spend my days with your nine and ten year olds? So lucky! They amaze me every day -- when things are tricky and new - when things are fun - when some things take a loooong time to do. Through all of it they are just the best! They laugh, they dig deep with hard work, they are friends, and together we are a classroom family. ğŸ’•
My days are filled being with them, sometimes in front of them talking and teaching them, but most of the time right next to them, so I often forget to take pictures. I wish I had more to share because there really is so much magic in room 124. 
For now just a few that I have -- I will take more tomorrow! 



Monday, March 18, 2024

Opening Weekend

A bit of the background is in the post from last year (click here)

This year opening weekend was awesome! 

Our seats are much closer (and centered) for this weekend coming so I didn't go crazy with pictures for this show. But had to capture these! 

And all of the family love. My Dad was there (Mom not feeling her best), my brother (Uncle Tommy), and Scott's Mom too. 

And her friends -- I am so grateful for these awesome girls and best friends of Abigail! 

Way to go Abigail! Can't wait for next weekend! 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Saint Patrick's Day ~ a few past posts I love

Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I miss these days. But more than missing them is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for getting to do these days. 


2013 A Craft and a cute video

2013 The Parade 

2014 The Parade 

2015 At home 

2016 The Parade  

Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Cozy Winter Kitchen

Oh goodness - snow in these pictures and right now it's sunny and March warm but I wanted here to put these photos here and not forget. 

I say, "set the stage for a happy home life." This cozy kitchen with all of the holiday down is simple but invites us to talk, share a meal, a snack, a cup of tea. It's the place where we meet after school in the evenings. It's simply home. 

I chose a neutral 'theme' for January and February - a simple backdrop for adding on to (pinks around Valentines Day). Right now I am typing in a spring kitchen with lots of greens and yellows. 

Here's a little peek in: