Friday, November 22, 2024

Music That Makes Me Cry ~ updated!

If you've been on this blog a while you know that I've been to my share of orchestra concerts. Maybe hundreds over the years. Anna started playing when she was five and since then {she's 21 now} I've been shepherding my girls through the world of viola and classical music. 

Over the years it has brought me tremendous joy. I've loved every concert. Some of course because of life circumstances, more than others. 

Anna's first in college. Oh how proud I was of her that night. That was one I'll never ever forget. 

There are the Christmas ones that bring me such peace in the middle of a hectic season. 

And now this one. There are no words to share this. It brought Scott and I to tears as I held on to him. The music lifting us up, reminding us that even though Abigail has had to deal with so many { so so many } struggles, she does THIS. That was HER playing up there. She PLAYED that piece.

It's knocked out socks off. 

Here are a few before pictures. 

And a little video Scott recorded of us when I was giving her a hug after: 

I know that eventually there will be a recording - but just waiting for that to be released. So for now just a few phone videos which in no way can capture the magic of this music. Guess What!? There was a recording  --- here it is! 

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