Well, Thanksgiving was upon us. No matter what we do in our everyday lives, (working at home, home with littles, working outside of the home, all of it) we all stop and bustle in the kitchen. We set the table with candles flickering, the stoves are hot and the aroma of turkey fills the air. There is swirling in each room, fluffing, filling, last minute touches. The music is playing. Thanksgiving us upon us.
I love all of it and actually start around October 30th, preparing my home, my lists, my heart for this special day of giving thanks. We start our day with homemade cinnamon rolls made from the dough I use for our dinner rolls. I simply save just enough for four large rolls. I roll it out, dip it in butter, cinnamon and sugar and into the oven it goes. The girls wake up to the sweet aroma and the tradition of tea, the Macy's parade, and these rolls. We stop for just a bit (so much to do that day) and just enjoy.
And then it's off and going! The pie must be made (I do my pecan pie the night before that that apple pie must be that day)
Here it is about to slide in that oven.
And here it is all done in all it's Thanksgiving joy! There was dough rising for the rolls all morning and they went into the oven in batch after batch.
This year I stood back and took a photo of the "mess" but really it rings joybells in my heart. Yes, it does!
The turkey came out of the "turkey oven" (we call it that all year) at just the right time. You never know with those finicky turkey times, but this year it was perfect timing!
I took one last look at the dining room, making sure everything was all set. Candles lit (battery ones, love those for safety and one less thing to think about), tree lights on, music playing. Check, check, check!
And just enough time for us to take a few pictures as a family. I love us so much!
Anna, my lighting tester. 💕
Oh goodness! Then I put my camera (mostly) down and didn't get enough pictures. But they are in my heart forever. My favorite memories are:
💕Scott and I bustling in the kitchen all day long
💕The girls laughing, talking, talking talking, all day long
💕The doorbell ringing and my parents and brother Tommy arriving just as it supposed to be and shouts of "Happy Thanksgiving"
💕The coats being hung, my mom bringing in all of her specialties
💕The aroma, the tastes, my Dad saying, "this is the best food ever."
💕My mom chatting with Anna while Scott made the gravy
💕My brothers heaping plate with the drumstick just like my grandpa used to have - I'm so glad he carries on that tradition
💕Setting up desserts and pouring steaming mugs of pumpkin spice lattes
💕Saying grace - words we say every night around our dinner table but this night meaning so much more.
For the food before us
And the family beside us
And the love that surrounds us
For these thy gifts we are about to enjoy,
let us be truly grateful.
And I am.